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Published February 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Thomasville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of January 05, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. The project is expected to be awarded on January 09, 2024 .** Bid Date was Extended from Addendum 2 The proposed work is generally described as follows: Nucor Sanitary Sewer Outfall: - Installation of approximately 9,200 LF of 24" sanitary sewer outfall, including: - Approximately 550 LF of 36"/24" bore and jack railroad/road crossings - Installation of approximately 2,200 LF of 4" HDPE forcemain, including: - Approximately 1,400 LF of 4" HDPE forcemain installed using directional drilling - Installation of 100 GPM pump station, including electrical and mechanical components Bidders must be licensed contractors in the State of North Carolina, duly licensed accordingly for the appropriate section of Bid. A 5% Bid security must accompany each Bid. Each Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Construction Performance Bond and a Construction Payment Bond as security for the faithful performance and the payment of all bids and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, including without limitation the right to reject any or all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced, or conditional bids, and to reject the bid of any Bidder if Owner believes that it would not be in the best interest of Owner to make an award to that Bidder. Owner also reserves the right to waive informalities. If the Contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within the number of days set forth in the Bid Form. Alley, Williams, Carmen & King, Inc. Download Policy In accepting the electronic file, you are agreeing not to forward the documents to any other bidders. You will be permitted to forward to subcontractors and suppliers for the purpose of providing you a subcontractor quote. Please advise subcontractors and suppliers not to forward the documents to any other bidders or suppliers. Our purpose in requiring bids submitted on the booklets is to insure that bidders have a complete set of documents to bid by. In addition, we keep track of who has been issued booklets so that we can issue any Addenda to firms on the plan holders list. In accepting or utilizing any drawings or other data on any form generated by Alley, Williams, Carmen and King, Inc., or its consultants, the Client, Contractor, Subcontractor or agent thereof covenants and agrees that all such drawings and data are instruments of service of Alley, Williams, Carmen and King, Inc. (or its consultants), who shall be deemed the author of the drawings and data, and shall retain all common law, statutory law and other rights, and copyrights. The Client, Contractor, Subcontractor or agent agrees not to use these drawings or data, in whole or part, for any other project. These drawings and data are provided only for the convenience of the parties involved. The Client, Contractor, Subcontractor or agent agrees to waive all claims against Alley, Williams, Carmen and King, Inc. (or its consultants) resulting in any way from the reuse of these drawings or data. In addition, the Client, Contractor, Subcontractor or agent, as applicable, agree, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless Alley, Williams, Carmen and King, Inc. (and its consultants) from any damage, liability or cost, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of defense, arising out of the use of these drawings. Under no circumstances shall transfer of the drawings and other instruments of service on electronic media for use by the Client, Contractor, Subcontractors or others be deemed a sale by Alley, Williams, Carmen and King, Inc., and AWCK makes no warranties, either express or implied, of merchantibility or fitness for any particular purpose. State of NC MBE/WBE participation goal: 10% (combined) EPA MBE/WBE participation goals: MBE 10.9% WBE 10.4%


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Thomasville, NC

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