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Renovation of a military facility in Aurora, Colorado. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.
AN AMENDMENT TO SOLICITATION 36C25924R0099 POSTED ON JUNE 05, 2024. The purpose of this amendment is as follows: THIS IS TO REITERATE THAT THIS PROJECT IS AN SDVOSB SET-ASIDE ONLY: PLEASE READ BLOCK 10 OF THE SOLICITAION 3RD PARAGRAPH. PLEASE READ BLOCK 10 OF THE SOLICITATION 9TH PARAGRAPH: PROPOSALS FROM NON-VERIFIED SDVOSB CONTRACTORS WILL ALSO BE REJECTED. PLEASE READ PAGE 15 OF THE SOLICITATION UNDER INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS. PLEASE READ PAGE 20 OF THE SOLICITATION WITHIN THE INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS. PLEASE READ PAGE 58 OF THE SOLICITATION VAAR CLAUSE 852.219-73. All offers will be emailed to Jason Rankin at All other items and conditions remain the same. Page 2 of 2 Project: Correct Electrical Deficiencies Project Number 554-24-106 Scope of Work Rocky Mountain Regional (RMR) Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) 1700 N Wheeling St., Aurora CO 80016 1.0 OBJECTIVE: The Department of Veterans Affairs has a requirement to replace existing components of the electric power system in various substations located at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center (RMR VAMC). There are nine substation breaker units, five Power Quality Meters (PQMs) and three power relays (GE Multilin models) that are required to be replaced. In addition, a requirement that any surge on each 277 / 480 V switchgear must be captured and recorded within the existing General Electric SCADA System. Voltage shall be monitored on each side of each switchgear. There are thirty-one (31) switchgear operating at that voltage in the substations so there will be thirty-one (31) new points to monitor and store within the SCADA System. New graphics or updates to existing graphics pages are included in the work. 2.0 STATEMENT OF WORK: SUBSTATION COMPONENT REPLACEMENT: A list of substation components requiring replacement, their physical location and equipment labels as well as their operating and rated capacities, is provided as attachments. All locations provided which are not clear to the Contractor shall be identified during the period allotted for bid RFIs. Existing substation components (breakers, PQMs and relays) have reached the end of their service life as evidenced by testing reports performed during calendar year 2022. Copies of the reports of anomalies detected which require replacement of each component are provided where they are available, as attachments. The substation components to be replaced require drop-in replacements required to be the same manufacturer model, function, and operational parameters as the existing components or an equal or better substitute that is submitted and subject to review by the VAMC s Contracting Officer s Representative (COR). There are nine substation breaker units, complete, five PQMs that are part of existing switchgear or Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS), and three power relays integral to the operation of our substations. All these components are currently installed within substations at RMR VAMC. All new components shall be used to replace existing components, including removal of the existing units, disposal or rebuilding of the old units. The new components shall be installed within the same outage used to remove existing components. New components shall be brought into operational status, connected to the existing SCADA, and building automation systems (BAS) to match existing connections, and tested / certified for use. For the replacement components, no new BAS or SCADA connections are required. The new components shall be certified by the manufacturer to be new, operational, and suitable for use at the voltage, max rated amperage, and max operational amperage of the existing components. The manufacturer s certification shall serve as evidence of each component meeting specifications, standards, and operational requirements as applicable. CLARIFICATION of attachments. The deficiency report attachment lists five PQMs. All five replacement PQMs are to be the same manufacturer and model. The power supply voltage for Multilins is to be as specified in the scope table attachment. The deficiency report attachment does not have a record for ED 17 Multilin. All new / replacement Multilins are to be the same manufacturer, model, and specifications and all are listed in the scope table. All components whether breakers, PQMs or relays shall be provided a one-year manufacturer s full replacement warranty, measured from the date of substantial completion of this project. A draft of the warranty shall be submitted and approved by the COR prior to ordering the components. All programming, connection to information and power systems, and other commissioning, testing, and installation work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the RMR VAMC s COR and shall be performed by technicians or engineers qualified to perform the work on the SCADA or BAS systems they are currently connected to. SURGE DETECTION: The occurrences of surge related trips of switchgear are required to be captured and stored with time and date of surge occurrences, for each side of all thirty-one (31) existing 480A /A 277A V switchgear in substations throughout the RMR VAMC. The occurrence of surge trips shall be recorded, resulting in thirty-one (31) new monitoring data nodes / points to monitor using the existing SCADA system. All wiring, conduit, and connectors necessary to provide monitoring and connection to the SCADA system are included in the work. It is anticipated that new wiring, conduit, and connectors are required however Contractor is permitted to use existing conduits and raceways provided the VA standards are met for capacity after the work is complete. Either existing sensor data capturing surge trips, or new sensors if required, shall be used to monitor the surge status on each side of each gear in each substation. All programming to integrate the surge data into system reports, graphical displays and data storage shall be programmed by the contracting using qualified technicians capable of completing the work. Technician qualifications shall be submitted to the VA and approved by the COR prior to commencing the work. BREAKER REBUILD: Rebuild the GE models of existing breakers being replaced. The GE models constitute eight of the nine breakers being replaced. The rebuilt breakers shall be provided within six months of the final replacement of all breaker components and shall be certified for operation by the manufacturer as equivalent to new components, with a manufacturer s warranty equal in duration to the warranty required above for new components. A draft of the warranty shall be submitted and approved by the COR prior to commencing the rebuild work. 2.1 SCHEDULING OF WORK: All on site work whether substation component replacement or surge detection, shall be performed using acceptable shutdown and outage procedures, under the direct observation of RMR VAMC personnel. Contractor personnel are required to be qualified to perform high voltage / high amperage electric power work to the satisfaction of the COR. Detailed qualifications and experience of the Contractor personnel who will perform the work shall be submitted to the COR and approved prior to commencement of the work. Substitution of the approved personnel is not permitted unless their qualifications are submitted to the COR and approved in advance of the new personnel doing any replacement or other work. Shutdown of all components requiring all or part of the component to be replaced, on the NORMAL power supply side, shall require outage procedures providing power through alternate or emergency means. Shutdown of NORMAL power systems shall be on off hours, weekends, or holidays only and shall be coordinated to permit coverage by VA employees required to be present (COR and electric shop personnel). Shutdown of all components on the EMERGENCY power supply side, shall take place at times and dates subject to approval and presence of qualified RMR VAMC employees. Within the period of performance of this contract, the scheduling of the required replacements shall be at the contractor s discretion, providing only that all work shall be completed within the required period of performance and all other requirements such as advance notice of outages, is completed as required. Off hours, evenings, nights, or weekend work are required and shall be coordinated in advance with the COR. 3.0 GENERAL: All work performed under this contract shall conform to all VA drawings, specifications, standards, as well as OSHA, AIA Construction Guidelines, Joint Commission Environment of Care Standards, and other applicable building codes. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires strict adherence to the Code of Federal Regulations 29, Part 1926. This includes the requirement that the contractor must always have a Competent Person on the job (must have a 30-hour OSHA card), and that all contractor employees have received a minimum of ten (10) hours of OSHA construction safety training. The Competent Person serves as the Contractor s Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO). The SSHO may serve as SSHO for other projects if he or she is onsite 100% of the time during periods work is performed on this project. The SSHO may serve concurrently in the roles of Project Manager, Site Superintendent, and Contractor Quality Control Manager (CQCM). If separate individuals serve as CQCM and SSHO, both must be onsite 100% of the time during periods work is performed on this project. Documentation of the OSHA training requirements for the SSHO and for all contractor employees shall be submitted and approved prior to performing the work. Contractor shall submit a project Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) / Accident Prevention Plan (APP) that must be reviewed by VA Safety prior to work beginning. This plan shall detail fire safety, construction, and health-related safety measures, in addition to providing necessary training records for all employees for the previous year. A company standard or boilerplate safety plan will not be acceptable plan should be specific to the site/project and contain a detailed hazard analysis for each element of construction to be performed such as an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). The Contractor is responsible for protection of existing finishes, and VA property, furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) located in all areas where contract work being performed, as well as along paths of travel to and from these areas. Both exterior and interior finishes and property must be maintained. The contractor is liable for any damage to VA property during the contract, and all tasks accomplished by the Contractor personnel will be performed to preclude damage or disfigurement. If contract work is anticipated to cause damage or issue other than what is covered within the scope of work, the contractor shall notify and discuss with the COR prior to commencing work if possible. Contractor will report any damage or disfigurement to these items when caused by the Contractor s personnel; any necessary repairs/replacement will be coordinated with the COR. 4.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Based on the above list of work items, the general contractor selected must complete, maintain, and submit the following documentation and adhere to the following managerial requirements: Construction schedule including sequencing, durations, and critical path. Site-Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) with an emphasis on tasks to be performed during the work. Maintain site supervision by a competent individual(s) with OSHA-30 certificates. OSHA-30 certified technician shall be onsite any time work is being performed. Manage job-site access and security. Implement and maintain required Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) and Interim Life Safety Measure (ILSM) items as required. See Draft ICRA/ILSM. The ICRA measures shall be Level II. The Contractor shall assign the appropriate quantity and type of personnel to successfully complete all functions specified in this SOW and obtain VA identification badges for all employees as necessary (typically personnel that will be onsite for 30 or more calendar days). Contractor shall consider lead-time for badge procurement as approximately 6-8 weeks from initial submission of complete credentials. The Contractor shall maintain throughout the life of the contract, a current list of technicians and their credentials available for inspection by the Government. Shall host regular project update meetings (weekly or bi-weekly as determined by the COR) including submission of an agenda one full business day prior to the meeting and submission of meeting minutes within one business day after the meeting. 5.0 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: DRAFT ICRA-PCRA VA Specification sections: DIVISION 00 SPECIAL SECTIONS 00 01 10 Table of Contents DIVISION 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 00 00 General Requirements 01 32 16.15 Project Schedules (Small Projects Design/Bid/Build 01 33 23 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 01 35 26 Safety Requirements 01 42 19 Reference Standards 01 45 00 Quality Control 01 74 19 Construction Waste Management DIVISION 26 ELECTRICAL 26 05 11 Requirements for Electrical Installations 26 29 21 Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers 6.0 CODE & REGULATION COMPLIANCE: The Contractor shall comply with public laws and statutes including all changes and amendments to federal, state, and local environmental statutes and regulations in effect the date of issuance of this delivery order, including applicable portions of the documents cited in the basic contract and below: NFPA 70 National Electric Code NFPA 99 Healthcare Facilities Code NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Architectural Barriers Act & VA Barrier Free Design Standard International Code Council (ICC): IBC: International Building Code Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA) International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): UBC: Uniform Building Code 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards 29 CFR 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act / OSHA requirements 7.0 SUBMITTALS: Contractor shall submit the following prior to beginning scope of work: Project schedule with sequencing, durations, phasing, and cost loading within 15 calendar days of administrative notice to proceed (NTP), and a complete schedule updated monthly with invoices. Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) SSSP to be submitted to VA Safety staff and COR for review 15 calendar days after issuance of administrative NTP. SSSP to be reviewed and approved by the COR prior to start of onsite work. Project specific Contractor Quality Control / Quality Assurance Plan (CQC/QA Plan) to be reviewed and approved by the COR prior to ordering materials, equipment, or supplies. Construction Demolition/Removal/Waste Management/Recycling Plan. Inspection reports, manufacturer approval certificates, personnel qualifications, and draft warranties as noted in this Statement of Work and the specifications. Penetration and or hot work permits as necessary. Manufacturer and construction warranties as noted in specifications. Site superintendent OSHA-30, and tradesmen/laborer OSHA-10 certificates. OSHA-30 certified technician shall be onsite anytime work is being performed. OSHA Certificates are to be submitted as part of the Site-Specific Safety Plan. Material Submittals Submit for COR approval prior to ordering. Manufacturer s installation requirements for all materials and equipment planned for installation. Inspection reports, manufacturer approval certificates, and warranties as noted in specifications. SF 1413 pass through form for contract clauses to all subcontractors (one per subcontractor, properly executed and dated, by individuals having authority to bind the company involved. No onsite work may be performed by any subcontractor until submission and acceptance of their properly executed SF 1413. Certified payrolls showing compliance with wage rates and trades as required by Federal Law. Performance and payment bonds in the full amount of the awarded contract. Technical literature and/or descriptions of all materials, equipment and tools proposed for use by the Contractor shall be submitted to the COR for approval prior to Construction NTP. All Contractor-furnished materials, equipment and tools used shall be standard products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of such items. The Contractor shall secure all materials. The Government assumes no liability for loss of or damage to Contractor-owned property held upon Government premises. Contractor shall submit hours worked, full report of completed work which shall include location, hours worked, the full name of Contractor s employees on site, and digital photographs before and after work is completed. Reports and photographs shall be submitted within five business days after each day work day. If no work is performed on a day, a daily report stating that fact shall be submitted in the same time frame as the daily work reports and photographs. Because night, weekend and / or holiday work is required, daily reports are required for each calendar day. Contractor will provide a completed redline drawing of the completed routing of wiring. If necessary, a secondary report shall be submitted after any repairs outside of the work required have been completed. Reports shall be provided in hard copy as well as in an agreeable and compatible electronic format such as, but not limited to, pdf or Microsoft Word. 8.0 RESOURCES: The Government will not furnish any resources for the fulfillment of the work required under this contract other than electricity for area where work is being conducted. Under this contract, the contractor must provide all tools, equipment, materials, transportation, professional expertise, personnel, supervision, and testing and maintenance required for completion of this contract. Contractor shall provide all necessary parts and equipment to complete the objective of this contract in accordance with manufacturer specifications and installation requirements. All new work including material, components, and parts shall be preapproved by the COR. Prices for material, parts and components shall be invoiced at no more than 10% above contractor s costs, including shipping and handling. Verification of contractor s cost shall be included with or prior to all invoices. Contractor shall provide all necessary supervision, tools, equipment, and labor to perform the work required. Technical literature and/or descriptions of all materials and components tools proposed for use by the Contractor shall be submitted to the COR for approval prior to contract start and whenever a change is required. All Contractor-furnished materials, equipment and tools used shall be standard products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of such items. The Contractor shall secure all materials. The Government assumes no liability for loss of or damage to Contractor-owned property held upon Government premises. The Contractor shall instruct his/her personnel in utilities conservation practices. The Contractor shall be responsible for operating under conditions which preclude the waste of utilities which shall include but not necessarily be limited to: Lights shall be used only in areas where and at the time when work is being performed unless otherwise directed. Contractor s personnel will not adjust mechanical equipment controls for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Government telephones shall not be used for personal reasons or for any toll or long-distance calls 9.0 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS: The VA reserves the right to dispute completion of contract scope if contract work is found not in accordance with manufacturer requirements and installation instructions, is not satisfactorily executed, or if the system is not properly tested and inspected to achieve operational function as determined by the COR. All work completed by the Contractor must be reviewed and approved by the VA. Manufacturer s and applicable industry association (such as IEEE) recommended commissioning, testing and operational performance demonstration must be performed for all components including breakers, PQMs, and Relays. Surge protectors that are part of the above components must also be tested, commissioned, and demonstrated to be operational as part of the testing for their respective components. 10.0 SAFETY AND FIRE PREVENTION: In the performance of this contract, the contractor shall take such safety precautions as necessary to protect the lives and health of occupants of the building. The Contractor shall immediately correct any fire and safety deficiencies caused by his/her personnel. If the Contractor fails or refused to correct deficiencies promptly, the Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all or any part of the work and hold the contractor in default of the contract. The Contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local safety and fire regulations and codes which are in effect at the beginning of the contract. The contractor shall keep abreast of and comply with changes in these requirements and codes applicable to the contract. The requirements include but are not limited to, those found in Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) statutes and regulations, such as applicable provisions of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1910 and 1926. Contractor is solely responsible for determining the legal requirements that apply to activities, and shall ensure safe and healthful working conditions for its employees The Contractor s personnel shall follow applicable facility policies concerning fire/disaster programs. All materials and equipment will be removed from the facility or stored properly at the end of the workday and secured during the workday. Under no circumstances will the Contractor allow for any equipment to be left unattended for any length of time. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal and State legal requirements regarding workers health and safety. Contractor shall assume the responsibility to guard against causing of fires and/or explosions and to protect Government Property. The Contractor shall perform the work in a manner consistent with the area security and fire safety regulations especially regarding exits and exit way access. Utility shutdowns shall not compromise security, communication, or fire safety for occupants. No flammable liquids shall be stored or used in the medical center. The necessary number and appropriate types of portable fire extinguishers are required per National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 10 and NFPA 241. Contractor shall keep certification onsite at all times of extinguisher inspections. The Contractor shall receive from the COR a permit for all cutting, welding, and soldering 24 hours in advance. All permits shall be prominently displayed during all construction. All necessary precautions shall be taken by the contractor to prevent accidental operation of any existing smoke detectors or sprinkler heads. The Contractor shall assume responsibility of environmental protection of all material storage. 11.0 ACCIDENT PREVENTION: Precaution shall be always exercised for the protection of persons (including employees) and property. These shall include, but not be limited to, the installation of adequate safety guards and protective devices for all equipment and machinery, whether used in the performance of work or permanently installed as part of the work. Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws relating to safety precautions, including the safety regulations of the Division of Industrial Safety, Department of Industrial Regulations of the state. 11.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: To provide for abatement and control of all environmentally hazardous materials arising from demolition and/or construction activities, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable environmentally hazardous material control and abatement and all applicable provisions of the Corps of Engineers Manual EM 385-1-1, General Safety Requirements as well as the specific requirements stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for daily cleanup of all areas affected by its work. Areas in use or affected shall be returned to condition in which they were turned over or initially found. VA Housekeeping shall not be dispatched for cleaning associated with contractor work. The Contractor shall take every precaution in preserving flooring, finishes, equipment, and furniture in areas of work. The Contractor shall repair or replace any damage incurred during its work at their expense. Contractor shall use freight elevators for transmission of materials and personnel. Contractor shall take every precaution in preserving the elevators, including the hoist way and lobby doors, interior finishes, and shall conduct all good practices in observing lifting and motor components tolerances. Any damage incurred to any elevator component due to negligence will be repaired at expense of the contractor, within the work day of incurred damage. 12.0 WORK STANDARDS AND ICRA/ILSM: Work site shall be free of debris and returned to original condition upon completion of preventative maintenance or repairs. All work is to be performed in areas used daily by facility patients and staff. Contractor will take suitable measures to control all material and equipment to produce a minimum of interference in facility routine. All work shall be performed in a safe and prudent manner. Contractor shall coordinate all closures of rooms with COR who will coordinate with VA-Chiefs. Contractor shall so perform all work as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to staff, patients and shall have under construction, no greater amount of work than can be completed promptly and properly with due regard to the rights of staff and patients. Any person the COR may deem incompetent or disorderly shall be promptly removed from the facility and not be allowed to return for the duration of the agreement. The Contractor shall comply with an Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) which will be developed with the COR and the Infection Control Practitioner. Multiple ICRA s may be necessary to address specific risks at various stages of the project and must be approved prior to proceeding on each phase. See above for the ICRA level required for this project. 13.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REPORTING: The Contractor shall maintain hazardous material inventories and material safety data sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous materials (as defined in CFR 1910.120, 40 CFR s 355, 370, & 372) to be stored and used on this Medical Center. Hazardous materials must be inventoried when received and at the project s completion. The amounts used shall be maintained for the project duration, and for the calendar year (ending 31 December). Hazardous Materials Inventories, Material Safety Data Sheets and material quantities used shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval. In the event of a spill, Contractor shall immediately notify the COR as well as the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the expense of any cleanup of such spill, and the cleanup shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of 40 CFR Part 761. Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is not present in the workspace. If contractor locates suspected ACM in addition to material noted in report, they shall contact the COR immediately for further direction. If any ACM is disturbed or becomes friable due to contractor actions, the construction site shall be shut down until and contractor shall provide appropriate containment at their own expense. In addition, contractor shall be responsible for all abatement and disposal of affected material at their own expense, only after which the job site shall be reopened for continued work. In the event of an ACM disturbance event, the COR shall be immediately notified and shall provide specifications on asbestos abatement. 14.0 HOURS OF WORK: All construction activities shall be conducted during normal business hours Monday thru Friday from 0730 hrs. to 1600 hrs. (except were indicated differently herein re: after-hours work) excluding Federal Holidays and any other day declared a federal holiday by the President of the United States listed below. Night, weekend, or holiday work is required but shall be coordinated with the COR a minimum of ten business days in advance. Contractor s work shall not interfere with the functions of the facility during nights, weekends, or holidays. Barricades and ICRA containment provisions shall be arranged to allow patients and staff unimpeded access (including wheelchairs and patient beds where applicable) to services and resources within the facility. New Year s Day Martin Luther King Jr s Birthday Presidents Day Memorial Day Juneteenth Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the National Holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a National Holiday by the U.S. Government. Postponement/Delays: In the event climate or weather conditions become unsuitable for work or may induce an environmental hazard, then the entire work shall be rescheduled to a date and time satisfactory to the Contractor and the COR. Postponement due to inclement weather will not cause assessment of the penalty provision outlined above, nor should there be an additional cost to the Government. All work shall be scheduled and performed within the dates and times approved by the COR, in conjunction with the department occupying the space served by this equipment. 15.0 BADGES AND PARKING: All Contractor personnel are required comply with background checks, and the wearing of identification (I.D.) badges issued by the VA RMRVAMC while on VA property. Contractor must acquire PIV badge for all staff onsite prior to work beginning. Failure of the background check may result in specific personnel not being allowed to work on VA premises and the Contractor will need to provide replacement personnel. Contractor to consider lead-time on PIV Badging process. It is the responsibility of the Contractor s personnel to park in the appropriate designated parking areas. The designated parking area will be specified by COR upon award of contract. 16.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS: The Government reserves the right to accept or reject Contractor s staff for cause. All inspectors/testers shall hold current OSHA 10/30 certification and membership. Documentation of this to be submitted by the Contractor to the COR prior to beginning project work. A competent person with OSHA 30 certification must be always on site. The Contractor shall have a back-up technician on site on all work days in the event the primary technician is unable to perform his/her duties. The Contractor will ensure that their personnel and subcontractor personnel meet the privacy standards as set forth by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) with respect to personal and confidential information that they may come upon. All personnel required to hold OSHA 10 certification as a minimum. 17.0 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS: Supervision: The Contractor shall specify a Project Manager who will have responsibility for performance of contract services. The Project Manager shall be competent to supervise all aspects of contract and shall be available on-site during performance of contract work. The Contracting Officer shall be notified in writing of the name of the Project Manager and of changes in personnel appointed to fulfill this function or in the absence of the Contractor, act for the Contractor as the Contractor s Representative. 18.0 QUALITY CONTROL: The Contractor shall have a quality control program to assure the requirements of this contract are provided as specified. The Contractor and COR will inspect the work. Deficiencies will be noted and corrected before beginning work in another area. Any damage done by Contractor will also be noted and corrected by the Contractor within 2 working days. Damage causing an immediate impact on the environment of the hospital shall be corrected immediately. 19.0 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS: Completed work will be to the entire satisfaction of the VA and the COR shall be the sole judge as to its acceptability. Any work not acceptable to the COR, shall be immediately, at Contractor s own expense, refashioned to an acceptable level or removed and replaced with satisfactory work. 20.0 MEETINGS: A Pre-Bid meeting and site walk will be held at a date and time specified by the COR to review scope, of service, site, and requirements with perspective contractors, and provide answers to any questions. Contractor and/or Sub-contractors may attend a pre-bid walkthrough of the work before submitting a bid. Attendance of the site visit is not required but highly encouraged. The date and time of this walkthrough will be determined by the CO and COR. Contractor and/or subcontractors shall be responsible for making any clarification requests that arise at the pre-bid walkthrough directed to the CO in writing by the RFI due date. 21.0 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Period of performance: 300 days from NTP 22.0 ACCESS TO SITE: The COR shall provide the Contractor access to all buildings and rooms required in the provisions of this contract. The Contractor shall notify the COR when arriving on site and when leaving these areas. The Contractor and all personnel shall comply with the security clearance or access controls of areas within the Medical Center. If the Contractor must obtain access to areas that require special security precautions, the COR will arrange for access. END OF SOW All questions in relation to this solicitation must be submitted in writing via e-mail to and received no later than 06/20/24 at 10AM MT. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.
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