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Published November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Indian Head, Maryland. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a 2,174-square-foot military facility.

SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR QUOTE (RFQ) INVITATION FOR BID (IFB) OR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) A. Purpose of Notice: To obtain a source list of interested/capable contractors to aid in market research, establishment of a method of procurement, basis for award, and or other procurement information useful to the Government's requirement. B. Project Title: Elevator Refurbishment and Fire Alarm Control Panel Replacement, Colombia Basin Project Ephrata Field Office, Ephrata, Washington C. Work is located at Ephrata Field Office, located in Washington State and is in the city of Ephrata, Washington on C Street NW, about 21 miles Northwest of Moses Lake, Washington. D. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is conducting market research for the refurbishment and replacement of equipment in the elevator at the Ephrata Field Office. The elevator at the Ephrata Field Office had its controls and other equipment modernized in 2019, however, the elevator did not pass inspection by a Qualified Elevator Inspector (QEI) due to additional equipment in need of refurbishment and replacement that was not included in the scope of the 2019 contract. This work will refurbish and replace the remaining equipment and conclude with successfully passing all Code required tests for final acceptance by a QEI. A critical portion of the work includes replacing of the building Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) and connecting it to the elevator for fire service operation. E. Estimated Period of Performance: Government anticipates award in Federal Fiscal Year 2024 F. Estimated Order of Magnitude: Between $500,000 and $1,000,000 G. Estimated NAICS: 238290 Other Building Equipment Contractors H. Estimated Size Standard: $22 million I. Estimated Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price (FFP) J. Estimated Principal Components of work to be performed includes the following: 1. Refurbishment, replacement, installation and fabrication of elevator components and systems to include, but not limited to, hoist machine, drive sheave, governor tail sheave, hoist ropes, brake assembly, governor rope, rope retainer, guarding, roller guides, guide rail fishplates, car handrails, car ventilation fan, and car emergency lighting. 2. Repair of existing electrical installations with demolition and new installation. 3. Installation of ductless mini-split heat pump in elevator machine room. 4. Installation of new lighting in elevator machine room and pit 5. Repair of existing workmanship with grouting and caulking. 6. Completing code required documentation and data plates of existing elevator components and systems. 7. Replacement of building fire alarm system. 8. Connection of new fire alarm system to elevator controls. 9. Passing Category 1 test, Category 5 test, and final Acceptance inspection by a Qualified Elevator Inspector (QEI). K. The intent of this notice is to identify potential interested offerors for the Ephrata Field Office Elevator Refurbishment and Fire Alarm Control Panel Replacement Project. Reclamation is seeking qualified, experienced firm capable of providing the labor, equipment, and materials necessary to accomplish the Principal Components of Work identified above and as identified within the project specifications and drawings (specifications and drawings are not available at this time). Interested offerors are invited to submit the following information: 1. Statement of interest as a prime and/or subcontractor 2. Construction bonding level, aggregate and per contract 3. Point of contact information 4. Size status and/or SBA certification program for NAICS 238290 Other Building Equipment Contractors 5. Firms capability to successfully manage complex requirements. 6. Recent projects similar in size, scope, and or magnitude L. Responses to this Sources Sought are due No Later Than Monday, 20 November 2023. M. This market research is for informational purposes only. This announcement does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that a procurement action will be issued, and shall not be construed as a Request for Quote, Request for Proposal, or Invitation for Bid, or as an obligation on the part of the Government. No entitlement to payment will arise as a result of the submission of contractor information. N. Any questions regarding this announcement should be sent to sfgarcia@usbr.gov, loneil@usbr.gov and lfleming@usbr.gov. Phone calls or facsimile Requests for Information (RFI) will not be accepted. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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December 13, 2024


Multiple Locations, Indian Head, MD

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