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Published December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Belfast, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The primary scope of work is to develop a long-term (10+ years) plan for the development and management of facilities in the City of Belfast that will provide for safe and comfortable transportation of bicyclists and pedestrians in the study area. The plan will outlay the community's goals and vision for active transportation and accessibility, evaluate existing conditions, and put forth recommendations for policy and infrastructure improvements in the City of Belfast. The City of Belfast and the Maine Department of Transportation (Maine DOT) are soliciting proposals for professional services for a City of Belfast Active Transportation and Accessibility Plan. The consultant selected for this plan may be retained to provide design services and construction engineering in future project phases. The consultant selected for this plan may likewise be retained to assist Maine DOT with applications for applicable federal discretionary funding applications. The consultant selected for this plan may be asked to become prequalified for Maine DOT Service Number 103.60 (Planning-Feasibility Studies). This project is subject to applicable federal and state laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. Proposers must provide: a.) a technical proposal; and b.) a price proposal in a separate, sealed package (separate from the technical proposal). Price shall not be part of the technical proposal; otherwise, that proposal shall be rejected. All requests for clarification and additional information must be submitted by email to the RFP Coordinator listed above. Late requests will not be accepted. When appropriate, responses will be placed on the City of Belfast's website: electronically no later than close of business on. Question Deadline 11/28/2023 at 3:00 PM ET. -The contract type used for this project will be a stand-alone project contract, and the method of payment will be adjustable burdened hourly rate. -The initial contract term will be for ten (10) months, commencing upon execution of the contract documentation. The City of Belfast reserves the right to modify the initial contract term at its discretion, as well as to award additional phases of the project. -This RFP does not commit the City of Belfast to pay any costs incurred in preparing and submitting your proposal. **Bid date Information: Organization and Format: Your technical proposal, which should be organized in the format and sequence indicated in these proposal instructions, must be submitted as outlined below. -RFP Title: The Proposer's full business name and address as well as the RFP title ("Professional Services for Planning Feasibility Studies") must be written on your proposal package, with reference to Project WIN 27788.00. -Hard Copy: Technical proposals must be submitted as follows: six (6) copies of the technical proposal must be submitted in hard copy format accompanied by one (1) electronic copy in .pdf format. -Price Proposal: One (1) copy of the price proposal must be provided in a separate, sealed envelope that will be opened only if the initial scoring of technical proposals results in a Proposer being ranked as best qualified. NO MENTION OF PRICE WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL; OTHERWISE THAT PROPOSAL WILL BE REJECTED. -Proposal Package Submittal: Proposal packages must be mailed/delivered as follows:



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 21, 2024


Multiple Locations, Belfast, ME

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