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Published April 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Sherman, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

South Wastewater Treatment Plant - MBR Backfill Package BP04-002 Selected s cope of work [An1] is to be procured by the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the following project: Subcontractor shall furnish all labor, material, and supplies for the City of Sherman Wastewater Treatment Plant South MBR project in accordance with plans, specifications, drawings, and applicable laws and regulations for the following package: BP04-002 Backfill and Fine Grade A technically acceptable Bid with the Best Value offered that best meets the OWNER s required need shall be the basis for evaluation of the Bids. Best Value will be scored with pricing (30%), ability to meet project schedule (40%), and Commercial/Technical (30%). The requirements of this Invitation and the Bid proposal provided by the selected Bidder will be incorporated into the Contract Documents as part of GMPD. Bids must include all supporting documentation and information, drawings, technical data, and forms required. Each Bidder must provide an itemized Bid. Failure to provide the required information in strict accordance with the referenced sections and this document may result in your Bid being deemed non-responsive and disqualified from the selection process. An online pre bid meeting to answer questions will be held on the morning of November 17th. Invitation details will be shared on CIVCAST. Site Inspection: Bidder shall investigate the existing site conditions, availability of rights-of-way, ingress and egress from public and private roads, clearances, restrictions, bridge load limits, permits and other limitations that may affect Bidder s work or transportation and storage of Bidder s equipment, materials, and manpower. Unescorted site visits are strictly prohibited. Question Deadline 11/30/2023 Bids Received and Opened December 7, 2023, at 2:30 PM CDT Notification of Selected Bidder Within 7 Days of Bid Opening Bid amounts will be immediately opened and read aloud publicly following the close of the bidding period. Bids may be modified or withdrawn at any time prior to the time set for opening Bids. Following submittal and opening of the Bid proposals, the OWNER will review the Bid information to determine the selected Bidder. Examination of Documents Plans, specifications, and other contract documents will be available at www.CivCastUSA.com . Bidders must register on this website to view and/or download documents for this project. There is NO charge to view or download documents.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Sherman, TX

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