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Site work and paving for a civil project in Florence, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

**As of January 12, 2024, project was awarded to K&E EXCAVATING, INC, awarded amount is $7,346,892.75.** 2675 Kingwood Street Technical questions regarding the project should be directed to Kris Lillie, PE at 541-326-4375, The City of Florence is Requesting Qualified Contractors to Submit Bids on the City of Florence Rhododendron Drive Realignment. The Project Generally Consists of the Following Work: 6500 Tons of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, 14,000 Tons of Aggregate Base, 11,000 Square Feet of Modular Block Retaining Wall, 10,800 Square Feet of Soil Nail Retaining Wall, 1300 Lineal Feet of 18-inch Sewer Main Including Six (6) 48-inch Manholes, 309 Lineal Feet of Storm Sewer Pipe Including Two (2) 48-inch Manholes and 10 Inlet Structures, 2600 Lineal Feet of 8-inch Water Main, 2800 Lineal Feet of Concrete Curbs, 1500 Square Feet of Concrete Sidewalks, 20,000 Lineal Feet of Thermoplastic Striping, Planting 24 Street Trees, Design and Installation of Drip Irrigation System for Street Trees. The Schedule for the Work is Time-sensitive, and the Contractor is Expected to Be Prepared to Begin Construction by January 15th, 2024. The Work Shall Be Substantially Complete by March 31st, 2025. The Bid Proposal Shall Be Submitted Under Sealed Cover and Marked With the Contractor's Name and Following Project: City of Florence Rhododendron Drive Realignment City Project No. St 02-2023 All Proposals Must Be Submitted on the Regular Forms Furnished and Shall Be Accompanied by an Unconditional Certified Check or Bidder's Bond in an Amount Equivalent to Five (5) Percent of the Total Amount of the Bid. The Award Will Be Made to the Lowest Responsible Bidder Who Will Be Asked to Furnish a Separate 100% Corporate Surety Performance Bond and a Separate 100% Payment Bond for the Faithful Performance of the Contract. The Contractors May Be Asked to Have Their Surety Furnish a Letter Certifying They Have Currently Reviewed the Contractor's Financial Statement and That the Contractor is Financially Sound Prior to Award. Bid Results Will Be Made Available on the City's Website. Technical Questions Regarding the Project Should Be Directed to Kris Lillie, Pe at 541-326-4375, This is for Public Work and Therefore Subject to Prevailing Wage Requirements of Ors 279c.800 Thru 279c.870. A Subcontractor Listing is Required and Shall Be Submitted With the Bid. If the Subcontractor Listing is Not Submitted With the Bid, It Must Be Received Within Two (2) Hours After the Bid Closing Time and Date at the City of Florence, 2675 Kingwood Street, Florence, or 97439 to the Attention of Mike Miller (Facsimile is Acceptable at 541-590-4017). Failure to Supply a Correct Subcontractor Listing Will Result in Bid Rejection. Request for Specification Changes Must Be Made a Minimum of Ten (10) Days Prior to the Proposal Receipt Date. Protests of Bid Results Must Be in Writing, Must Be Made Within Five (5) Days of the Posted Award Date, and Must Otherwise Be in Accordance With City Public Contracting Rule 137-049-0260. The City May Reject Any Bid Not in Compliance With All Prescribed Public Bidding Procedures and Requirements, and May, for Good Cause, Reject All Bids Upon a Finding by the City of Florence if It is in the Public Interest to Do So in Accordance With Ors 279c.395. This work involves the reconstruction of Rhododendron Drive from near 35th Street to the North, and Wild Winds Street to the South. The project includes sewer system improvements, waterline replacement, retaining walls, stormwater facilities and structures, construction of a multi-use path, ADA ramps, road base reconstruction, realignment of road, road widening, pavement markings, vegetation, irrigation and road signage 1. Implement temporary traffic control and erosion control measures. 2. Removal of existing vegetation, asphalt, road base and sub-base, including grinding and saw cutting. 3. Removal of existing signage, and utility infrastructure; including water, sewer, storm, communication, and power structures and lines. 4. Abandonment of existing utility infrastructure. 5. Relocation of signage and utilities. 6. Install sanitary sewer manholes, sewer mains, sewer laterals, cleanouts, and appurtenances. 7. Install water mains, water services, including all valves, fittings, hydrants and appurtenances. 8. Install storm drainage manholes, catch basins, ditch inlets, pipe, culverts, swales, and appurtenances. 9. Install multiple retaining walls, including several modular block retaining walls, and a large soil nail wall. 10. Provide asphalt concrete overlay and road widening. 11. Provide complete road section reconstruction and realignment. 12. Minor concrete work including ADA curb ramps and gutters. 13. Plant trees and other vegetation as directed by the City. 14. Install irrigation system including, controls, valves, piping, sprinklers, and dripline system as needed to establish and sustain vegetation. 15. Striping, including longitudinal, standard crosswalk bars, and continental crosswalk bars. 16. Installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacon. 17. Perform additional and incidental Work as called for by the Specifications and Plans.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Rhododendron Dr, Florence, OR

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