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Published January 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a 87,991-square-foot, two-story above grade municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The purpose of this project is to demolish and remove all buildings and foundations, along with most of the parking lots and utilities to prepare the property for redevelopment and marketing for a future mixed-use development. For comprehensive project requirements, please refer to the plans and specifications provided. The Demolition Downtown Commercial Buildings and Vacant Lots Phase II bid includes but is not limited to, all labor, materials, and incidental items associated with the demolition. The demolition will include removal of all buildings and foundations, along with most of the parking lots and utilities to prepare the property for redevelopment and marketing for a future mixed-use development. Demolition includes removal of all demolition materials. All elements of work not included in the bid schedule shall be considered incidental to the contract with no further payment provided. (hereinafter "Contract Work"). The Town of Fuquay-Varina is soliciting bid proposals for the demolition and removal of structures located at 122 N. Main Street PIN 0656986039, 114 N. Main Street PIN 0656976954, 110 N. Main Street PIN 0656976853, 103 N. Fuquay Avenue PIN 0656979719, and 109 E. Academy Street PIN 0656979713. For comprehensive project requirements, please refer to the plans and specifications provided. Deadline for question submittal will be Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 5:00 pm. All questions should be submitting in writing to mpoling@fuquay-varina.org and will be addressed via an addendum. Final addendum will be posted to the Town website and IPS by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. Bidders shall monitor the Town website and IPS website for any addendums that may be posted prior to Wednesday, November 29, 2023. The Contractors submitting a bid for this project must possess the proper license classification to perform the Work elements contained in the specifications in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes; and if selected, provide a copy of their active license to the Owner. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. The OWNER reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor defects or to reject any and all bids. Project Duration: The Contract Work is to be finally and fully complete within 120 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS of the Commencement Date recorded on the Notice to Proceed. Town reserves the right to assess Liquidated Damages of $300 per calendar day per property for failure to meet the above timelines.




Public - City

Demolition, Paving, Site Work



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Multiple Locations, Fuquay Varina, NC

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