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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Boston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

General Roofing Services at Boston City Hall and various Boston Fire Department Locations Estimated Cost $150,000 Requests for interpretation or clarification, or proposals for any other modifications to the bidding documents, made orally or received less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of bid opening will not be answered. The contractor shall obtain licenses and permits necessary to perform the work. The contractor shall provide complete detailed reports to the Director of Facilities after completion of the maintenance/repair activities; this report shall include materials, labor hours and comments as to the equipment status. The contractor shall provide the Director of Facilities with a written recommendation and cost proposal for any discrepancies identified during the maintenance activities or service calls that are beyond the original scope of services. All service work must be warranted for a period of 60 (sixty) days. All maintenance and repairs shall be executed by competent personnel in the most timesaving and effective manner possible. The contractor shall be required to keep critical items in stock, at his own expense, in order to keep down-time to an absolute minimum. Faulty items must be repaired immediately and returned to the contractors stock holding. All tools and equipment required to perform repairs and maintenance shall be supplied by the contractor and shall remain his property when the contract lapses. For non-emergency services, the contractor must have the ability to respond within four (4) hours after notification to the designated location with all required equipment and supplies Contractor Qualifications




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Multiple Locations, Boston, MA

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