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Published December 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Corbin, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**Per Addendum 1 the bid date has been extended from 11/28/23 to 12/05/23** The project site is located at 100 N Kentucky 830, Corbin, KY 40701. The bid is to furnish all necessary labor, materials, tools, machinery, warranties, and all other items required to replace the HVAC System per plans and specifications. For additional information or questions, send email inquiries to smathews@summit-engr.com or phone 859-264-9860, ext 104. All provisions of the Kentucky Revised Code as it relates to bid guaranty's conditions, liabilities, and withdrawal of a bid are applicable to this contract. The owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to accept any bid which is deemed most favorable. The owner also reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Contractors, Sub-contractors and/or Material Suppliers must determine quantities of materials for which they intend to break out as a Purchase Order item. The Purchase Order may not be less than $5,000.00, shall not include items such as consumables that are not a part of the finished work, tools, finance charges, sales tax, deposits, or labor performed on site. B. If a contractor, sub-contractor and/or material supplier intends on billing for items such as engineering, shop drawings, bonds, insurance, etc. prior to materials being delivered to the job site, these items MUST NOT be included as part of the Bid Breakout amount. These items should be included as part of the Contract amount, and shown on the Contractors Schedule of Values. Otherwise, these items can be incorporated into the Bid Breakout Items material cost and invoiced only when materials are delivered to the job site. C. Upon completion of the Bid Opening, the apparent successful Contractor will have four (4) working days to submit the Purchase Order Summary Form, Section 00 00 03.1, as well as the Material Suppliers Authorization Forms. The successful Contractors' contract will be the sum of the Base Bid plus accepted Alternate, less the Bid Breakout amounts for the Base Bid and accepted Alternates. The Architects' office can provide master Material Supplier Authorization Forms electronically. Refer all questions, clarifications and requests for substitutions to the following, care of Summit Architects + Engineers Sean Mathews, AIA 3205 Summit Square Place Lexington, KY 40509 859-264-9860 smathews@summit-engr.com




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December 5, 2023

December 28, 2023


100 N Kentucky 830, Corbin, KY

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