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Published December 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Sunnyside, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Project Description: Addresses and Project Site information as follows: o Project Locations, all located in Sunnyside, Washington: 510 Reeves Way, 427 Cemetery Road, 1302 S. 9th Street, 1311 S. 11th Street, 1500-1520 S. 6th Street, and 1500 Federal Way. o The Project sites are five developed sites. There are a total of 60 family units arranged in single story duplexes on four sites and 80 senior units located in single story multiplexes on one site at 1500 Federal Way. All renovations are to occupied apartments. Renovation scope includes: o Senior Housing: Install range hoods, replace gas forced air furnaces in phase 2 units, replace air conditioners in all units, update gas piping and update electrical service/panels. o Family Housing: Install bedroom smoke detectors o Asbestos abatement as needed to complete these tasks. o Electric and gas piping updates to the senior community building (Deductive Alternate 1) o Replace gas water heaters in the family units (Deductive Alternate 2) Pre-Bid Site Walkthrough: The Sites and Exterior of the buildings may be walked at any time during daylight hours. Availability of Bidding Documents: Bona fide contractors may review and/or obtain copies of the contract documents, including architectural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical documents by contacting the architect at pderry@smrarchitects.com, or at the following offices and online as outlined below. To ensure notification of all addenda and to assist in the bid process, all bidders shall register as a plan holder. Bidders and contractor lists shall be maintained at SMR Architect's offices. Please send an email to Pam Derry, pderry@smrarchitects.com to confirm you will be bidding. Technical Questions: Technical questions regarding this project must be received in writing no later than 5 pm on December 13, 2023 (7 days before the bid opening) and addressed to: Pam Derry at SMR Architects, 117 South Main Street, Suite 400, Seattle WA 98104, e-mail pderry@smrarchitects.com. Bid Requirements: Each proposal must be submitted on the prescribed forms and accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check payable to the Sunnyside Housing Authority in an amount not less than 5 percent of the bid amount, or bid bond executed by a licensed bonding company on the prescribed form. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for opening thereof, unless contract award is delayed for a period exceeding 90 days. Rejection of Bids: SHA shall have the right to reject any or all bids not accompanied by bid security or data required by the bidding document, submitted by an unqualified bidder, or a bid in any way incomplete or irregular. Wage Rates: All work performed on the project will be subject to HUD Determined Wage Rates for the Housing Authority of Sunnyside, Washington effective January 1, 2023. Equal Opportunity: SHA is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Small, minorityand women-owned businesses are encouraged to submit bids. MWBE: Subcontractors certified as MWBE are encouraged to submit proposals for this project and all Contractors will be encouraged to do business with these enterprises as applicable to their scope of work. Authorities Having Jurisdiction: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, State of Washington, City of Sunnyside, WA, Yakima Clean Air Authority.

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Residential Subdivision


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Multiple Locations, Sunnyside, WA

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