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Published November 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Traverse City, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Solicitation 70Z03024QCLEV0005 - U.S. Coast Guard Traverse City Snow Removal and Deicing Project Provide all labor, material, equipment, transportation, and supervision required for the snow removal and deicing services for U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Traverse City, Traverse City, MI. Major Work items include but are not limited to: Plowing and deicing equipment suitable for the station grounds. The Air Station has areas where heavy machinery is needed to move snow. Consumables needed in order to carry out snow removal and deicing operations. The application of de-icing salt shall be applied to all roadways and walkways (Yellow area on attached map). Salt shall not be applied to the tarmac or runways (Read area on attached map). (3) 24-hour availability due to SAR operations. SAR operations can occur at any moment and could require immediate snow removal. In order to satisfy the need for this clause in the contract, a 30-minute or less response is necessary (see attached map for emergent snow removal area, purple area). If such event occurs when no base personnel are capable of removing snow, Air Station personnel will notify the contractor to respond to the station for snow removal. Removal of snow and deicing of 6 parking lots. The parking lots as labeled on the attached map are: Medical/Exchange, Supply, Fac Eng, Smith Hall, Pump House, and Command. Removal and deicing on all roadways associated with the above parking lots. All roadways in the yellow portion of the attached map shall be plowed and de-iced. The green area on the attached map will be plowed by Air Station personnel and not the contractor. The contractor can move snow to the snow piles in the green area if necessary. Snow Removal and deicing of roadway from Airport Access Road to the main gate. The main entrance of the base to Airport Access Road will also need to be plowed and de-iced. Contractor cannot place snow outside Air Station grounds onto Airport Access Road or the sides of the entrance to the Air Station. The snow from the main roadway shall be pushed to the snow pile shown on the attached map. Snow Removal and deicing of major walkways in between mission critical buildings. There are 4 major walkways that shall be free of snow and ice. The attached map shows these walkways in orange. Fac Eng to Smith Hall, Smith Hall to Hangar, Smith Hall to Pump House Parking, and Pump House Parking to Hangar. Snow removal shall be completed prior to 0730 and also 1530 depending on the accumulation of snow. The primary snow removal time shall be 0730. If snow continues to accumulate, Air Station personnel will communicate with the contractor for additional snow removal prior to 1530. Site visits are highly encouraged and recommended for the development of an accurate quote. The Point of Contact for the site visit is Aaron Pratt who can be contacted at (951) 795-3563. The Alternate Point of Contact is Charles Osborne who can be contacted at (810) 441-8247. Both POCs are located at the site at 1175 Airport Access Road, Traverse City, MI 49686. The period of performance is 01DEC2023-01APR2024. This procurement is estimated between $100K and $250K. The applicable NAICS is 561790 with a Small Business Size Standard of $9.0M. All relevant solicitation documents, including specifications and drawings will be available for download exclusively from the Internet in approximately seven days at this website. Interested parties should utilize the website's Register to Receive Notification function by registering under the solicitation number 70Z03024QCLEV0005. THE DUE DATE FOR OFFERS WILL BE ESTABLISHED UPON ISSUANCE OF THE REQUEST FOR QUOTE. Any amendments issued to this solicitation will be posted solely on SAM.gov. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Traverse City, MI

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