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Published November 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No. 161 is now accepting price proposals for roadside mowing operations for the 2024-2026 season. The tender is for a three (3) year contract expiring after the 2026 mowing season is completed with a contract renewal option for up to 2 additional years at the Municipality's discretion. Mowing operations include: 1. Initial top cut plus a second and final full cut on certain roads, road allowances and road right of ways within the boundaries of the RM's. 200-250 miles or more for each cut. Initial cut will be completed with a 10-15' deck mower between July 15 to August 15. Price proposals for the roadside mowing will be submitted as an hourly charge. 2. Mowing shall be done so that minimal or no debris is deposited on the road surface. 3. Quality Control Targets--Cutting height should be less than approx. 6". Contractors may be requested to re-mow any excessively ragged or high cutting height areas without additional compensation. Contractors are required to provide proof of Worker's Compensation Board coverage and a minimum of $2,000,000.00 liability insurance coverage. Contractors are responsible for providing the required implements, operators and fuel. Maps for the work area will be made available at the Municipal office. Contractors will be required to work around roadsides covered by haying agreements with adjoining landowners. Contractors are required to clean off equipment before and after each cut and before entering and leaving each respective RM in the contract. Contractors are also responsible for notifying the RM of any noxious weeds spotted during mowing operations and must be documented on maps No contract will be awarded except to responsible bidders capable of performing the class of work contemplated; and if so, requested by the Municipality the bidder shall furnish a complete statement of his experience and of the amount of capital and equipment available for the proposed work. The cost of coverage of Workers Compensation will be added to respective tenders in the event Proof of a Worker's Compensation account has not been provided and be a consideration in awarding. The Municipality reserves the right to award the contract to a bidder with not necessarily the lowest bid as supplied by the bidder. The most qualified bidder will be awarded the contract, which means that in the opinion of the RM, the contractor has the equipment, expertise, and ability, physically and financially, to supply or perform the goods, services, or work tendered, bid or proposal, provide the services/goods within the time requirements, and whose past performance or references are satisfactory to the RM. Council reserves the right to postpone the awarding of the contract pending verification of references and other pertinent information. The Municipality further reserves themselves the right to reject any or all tenders. Following are some reasons for which tenders may be rejected: (a) If the bid is not submitted on the tender form furnished by the Municipalities or if the tender form is altered. (b) If the tender form is not properly signed. (c) If the tender form does not show a price where indicated. (d) If there are any unauthorized additions or erasures or irregularities of any kind\ which tend to make the tender incomplete, indefinite or ambiguous as to its meaning. (e) List of equipment not supplied. Questions can be forwarded to: RM of Moose Jaw No. 161(306)692-3446


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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