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Renovation of a power facility in Split Lake, Manitoba. Completed plans call for the renovation of a power facility.

1) Replace the existing Notifier AFP-200 panels and devices with a new Notifier NFS-320 panel and devices in the diesel generator and the spillway ancilliary building. 2) The existing audible devices will be removed and replaced with horn/strobes and an exterior horn strobe will be provided at each building main entrance. 3) Where physical limitations exist, offset panels and/or devices as required with unistrut. 4) Modify the existing installation to conform to current enforced CAN/ULC-S524 requirements. 5) The suppression manual release stations will be replaced with Bopper Stopper style abort and release stations as well as the sequence of operation for release and audible visuals as per Appendix B of the Framework Agreement. 6) Provide supervised maintenance keyswitches for each releasing solenoid. 7) The Contractor shall supply the following drawings for the new system: a) Fire Alarm System Riser Diagram b) General Arrangement and Detail (Floor Pan) c) General Arrangement and Detail (Fire Panel Layout) d) Fire Panel Interior Wiring Diagram e) Fire Panel Interconnection Diagram f) Typical Device Wiring Diagram g) Single Line Riser Diagram 8) Supply issued for construction drawings and shop drawings to Purchaser for approval prior to start of construction. 9) Supply As-Built drawings at end of project (AutoCAD and PDFAs). A hard copy of as-builts shall be left on site at the end of construction. 10) Provide Red/Green markups of existing drawings. 11) Supply an electronic copy O&M manual meeting the requirements of the framework agreement. 12) All framework agreement requirements for labeling, conduit labelling, device labelling, panel labelling, tagging and terminal blocks applies. 13) Maintain the existing interface to the Main Fire Alarm Control Panel. 14) Supply 2 only training sessions on the new system to site personnel. Training to be performed once system is operational at the end of construction. 15) Site is responsible for disposal of all metallic materials. 16) The contractor is responsible for proper legal disposal of all old ion materials and provide a certificate of completion of disposal of radioactive materials. 17) Contractor to provide monthly and annual procedures in Word and report templates in Excel in compliance with the Framework agreement. 18) Provide a verification to CAN/ULC-S537 complete with verification report. 19) Contractor and fire alarm supplier perform a final acceptance inspection in conjunction with Manitoba Hydro Fire Alarm Specialist once As-Builts and final verification report have been received. 20) The contractor is responsible for travel for a fire alarm technician and electrician to perform the commissioning. Accommodations and meals for this item to be supplied by Manitoba Hydro. 21) Patching and painting by others. Question Acceptance Deadline: 2023/12/15 12:00:00 AM CST Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Power Plant


Public - State/Provincial




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MB-280, Split Lake, MB

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