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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bellingham, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City is seeking analysis of the structural and security elements of the Commercial Street Parking Garage. The City of Bellingham (City) is seeking Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to provide Structural Analysis of the Commercial Street Parking Garage services. This structure is located at 1300 Commercial Street in the heart of the downtown shopping district. The structure is comprised of five levels with the ground floor level housing several businesses along Commercial Street and W. Holly Street. The plaza off Commercial Street includes two non-ADA compliant restrooms and is an area where markets and events are conducted. The building was originally constructed in 1969. It is a cast in place post tensioned joist garage consisting of one below grade parking area, retail on the ground level on the south and west frontages of the structure. The garage was built with three elevated parking desks. In 1992 a mezzanine accessible from the alley was built using steel framing with composite concrete decking. The addition also extended the existing concrete shear walls and spiral ramp up to the fifth-floor level. The garage lateral system consists of concrete shear walls down the middle of the building, interior transverse walls near the ends, around the stair towers and the circular ramp walls. The building originally had precast concrete cladding panels on all sides of the structure. The panels were removed from the Commercial Street and Holly Street sides several years ago and it is the City's intention to remove the panels on the remaining two sides. The structure has two enclosed stairwells centered on the perimeter of the northwest and southeast sides of the building and the four upper levels are served by a single 5 stop passenger elevator rated for 2,500 lbs. The elevator cab and electronics were replaced in 2011 and the lighting was upgraded in 2012. There were windows installed in the exterior stairwells in 2016. The City invites all interested parties to respond to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) by submitting their qualifications relating to this category of work. All prospective consultants are advised any federally funded project work will be held to federal EEO requirements. Disadvantaged, minority and women-owned consultant firms are encouraged to respond. Question Deadline 12/05/2023 at 4:00 PM PT. All respondents are requested to review this request carefully and to submit any questions concerning this RFQ, the City's requirements or its evaluation process to Purchasing Office via electronically. Questions should be received no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to response submission deadline so that they can be addressed through the portal to ensure any necessary amendments can be published and distributed to plan holders to prevent receipt of a non-responsive solicitation. No other City official, employee or department is empowered to speak for the City with respect to this RFQ. Any Information obtained from any other source shall not be considered binding and may disqualify your proposal. No oral change or interpretation of any provision contained in this RFQ is valid whether issued at a pre-qualification submittal conference or otherwise. Written addenda will be issued when changes, clarifications, or amendments to qualification submittal documents are deemed necessary by the City. The City has allocated approximately $75,000.00. Additional services of the same nature and type may be added to the contact at the direction of the City's project manager pending availability of other funding and as identified within the City's scope of work. The anticipated term of this contract is seven months. In an effort to comply with City of Bellingham waste reduction policies, we request that proposals be submitted on recycled paper, copied on both sides of the page, no laminated sheets, no wire/comb binding and no cardstock. If stapled, proposals shall be stapled in the upper left-hand corner only. Qualification submittals not received prior to the time specified in this RFQ will not be considered and will be returned unopened. The City reserves the right to reject any or all Submittals and to waive irregularities and information in the submittal and evaluation process. This RFQ does not obligate the City to pay any costs incurred by firms in the preparation and submission of their Submittals. Furthermore, this RFQ does not obligate the City to accept or contract for any express or implied services. Submittal Evaluation completed. December 31, 2023 Applicant interviews (if needed) January 2-14th, 2024 Negotiation of contract January 14th-January 30, 2024 Contract Completed February 1, 2024 Notice to Proceed February 2, 2024 50% Review April 2024 90% Review June 2024 Report issued August 2024 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Parking Garage


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 2, 2024


Multiple Locations, Bellingham, WA

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