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Published December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Chehalis, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Lewis County is looking for a qualified vendor to complete the Plumbing Rough in and final trim out for the new Community Development Building. Lewis County has been purchasing historic buildings with the goal of creating a "County Campus" downtown Chehalis, with the intent of better consolidating County Government buildings and staff to improve accessibility while rejuvenating the Historic Downtown area. This plan when executed will provide a closely knit series of county owned and operated facilities, that provide a central hub, allowing Lewis County citizens to find and access a majority of County services within walking distance of each other. Lewis County has assumed the role of General Contractor, overseeing any and all 3rd party vendors utilized in the preservation/rejuvenation of these historic buildings. Lewis county is looking for the help of local trade specific vendors to make this goal a reality. By utilizing the skillset of the best tradesman available, we can oversee these projects, while ensuring the highest level of craftsmanship and quality, while simultaneously leveraging construction funds for the greatest result possible. Rough plumbing has been installed into the slab. Vendor responsible for all fixtures, materials, plumbing rough, and finish from the slab up. Project scope includes rough and finale trim out of 6 bathrooms (Toilets, center floor drain, and sinks), 1 shower, 1 floor mount mop basin, 4 sinks, water heater, circ pump and all other plumbing components. The water lab has been removed from the overall scope of the project. All toilet flush valves to be Sloan brand. Vendor responsible to ensure all toilet and sink carriers are installed A 5% Bid Bond is required of all projects more than $125,000 The undersigned hereby agrees to complete all the work under the Base Bid (and accepted alternates) within 14 calendar days after the date of Notice to Proceed Lewis County is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Minority- and women owned firms are encouraged to submit bids. This project has been determined to be "Public Works" as defined by RCW 39.04 and WAC 296-127 and is subject to Washington State Prevailing Wage Laws. Current Prevailing Wage Rates for work performed in Lewis County can be found at electronically. Question Deadline 11/29/2023 at 4:00 PM PT




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185 NW Chehalis Ave, Chehalis, WA

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