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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Waterford Township, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

As of January 2, 2024, the project has not been awarded. An award is expected to be made in February, 2024. Reference Number 0000335642 The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, subject to final approval by the Oakland County Water Resource Commissioner. The contract will be awarded subject to receipt of funds to finance the project and acquisition of easements, during which time the proposal guarantees of the lowest three responsive, responsible bidders will be held. o9,900 linear feet of eight-inch diameter HDPE SDR 11 water main installed via horizontal directional drilling method o 1,900 linear feet of eight-inch diameter Class 54 ductile iron water main installed via open-cutmethod o 20 linear feet of 12-inch diameter Class 54 ductile iron water main installed via open-cut method o 10,900 linear feet of water main abandonment o 32 gate valves and wells, 24 fire hydrants, 27 connections to existing water main (6", 8", and 12") o 80 sanitary sewer tap repairs via open-cut method o 3,100 linear feet of one-inch diameter Type K copper water service o 120 one-inch diameter water service curb stops and curb boxes o 1,300 linear feet of sewer lateral lining o 27,000 square yards of two-inch depth cold milling asphalt o 3,000 tons of hot mix asphalt o 2,500 linear feet of curb and gutter removal and replacement o 2,400 square yards of sidewalk removal and replacement o 32,000 square yards of turf restoration A certified or cashier's check or bid bond for a sum not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposal will be required for each proposal.Owner reserves the right to accept any proposal, to reject any proposal and to waive irregularities in the proposals. Question Deadline 12/08/2023 at 5:00 PM ET inquiry received after this date/time will be given consideration. Submit all questions(in writing) to Engineer at: Jack Nagle, P.E. Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. Email: Phone: 248-454-6397 *Owner reserves the right to accept any proposal, to reject any proposal and to waive irregularities in the proposals.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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February 12, 2024


Multiple Locations, Waterford Township, MI

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