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Published November 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Minot, North Dakota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The City of Minot, ND, is seeking a consultant to assist in meeting HUD-mandated planning requirements associated with its CDBG program, specifically the development of a Five-Year Consolidated Plan (Con Plan), 2025-2029 and the Annual Plan Fiscal Year 2025. Anticipated Project Deliverables The project will result in the following primary deliverables. Additional intermediary deliverables may be identified by the Consultant(s) and/or City as the scope of work is finalized. o Development of 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, includes needs assessment and market analysis covering housing, homelessness, special needs, non-housing community development assets submitted to HUD via IDIS no later than June 15, 2024. o Fiscal Year 2025 Action Plan (embedded in the Consolidated Plan) o Development of the Assessment of Fair Housing SCOPE OF SERVICES A Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) (24 CFR 91.401) as an appendix, an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) (to meet its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing) (24 CFR 91.405 and 24 CFR 91.410), Action Plan (24 CFR 91.420), Strategic Plan (24 CFR 91.415) and required Certifications (24 CFR 91.425) are all part of the plan requirements. The specific requirements for the Consolidated Plan can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 24, Section 91, et. seq. (24 CFR 91). Regulations, notices and guidance for preparing a Consolidated Plan submission can be found at (but not limited to): I. Process Preparation Obtain authorization and passwords for use of HUD's IDIS online reporting system. Review any revisions and additions to the consolidated plan process and/or the consultation process for incorporating the requirements of affirmatively furthering fair housing. Review Minot's existing Citizens Participation Plan ensuring it meets the requirements outlined in 24CFR91.401 All consultation and the scope of work shall be undertaken as provided in the Citizens Participation Plan. Review the requirements for using the Consolidated Plan template in IDIS and discuss the format of the plan with the NDR Grant Administrator, considering any federal regulation changes, and the most recent HUD notices and guidance, Office of Fair Housing requirements and OMB requirements. Review e-mails from HUD representatives (to be provided by the City of Minot) relating to the Consolidated Plan process. Review HUD's most recent Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan Completeness Checklist for Entitlement Grantees Prepare a timeline for project milestones including proposed community meetings and stakeholder interviews and including deadlines for posting of legal notices and advertisements. This timeline will be made available to the public to explain the process. Assist in preparation of the CAPER report required by HUD **Note: Consultant is responsible for being up-to-date and adhering to all HUD requirements for complete submission of the 5 Year Consolidate Plan and one-year Action Plan. See Appendix A for Resources for Preparing a Consolidated Plan and Assessment of Fair Housing Needs Assessment Collecting statistical and informational data and preparing charts and narratives for needs assessments and market analyses in the areas of affordable housing, community development, and homelessness according to 24 CFR 91.405 Consulting with public and private agencies as outlined in 24 CFR91.100. Conducting public participation activities virtually (including two (2) public hearings during the public comment period - anticipated to run virtually coordinating meetings and focus groups, City of Minot staff can assist in public meetings; virtually assisting the City of Minot in summarizing and responding to public comments. Focus group meetings, along with interviews with community stakeholders - to be determined with City of Minot staff and consultant but at a minimum should include representatives from City departments that utilize CDBG funds for projects, business community, housing agencies, social service agencies, and other individuals deemed appropriate. Using needs assessments, market analyses, and input from consultations and public participation activities to make recommendations for a strategic plan. Providing a draft Consolidated Plan and Year 1 Action Plan for City of Minot staff staff review no later than May 15, 2024. The draft Consolidated Plan should include an Executive Summary, graphs, tables, maps, charts, and other applicable data. Finalize any edits to Plans from City of Minot staff review to release Plans for public comment no later than June 1, 2024. Incorporate City of Minot responses to comments received during public comment period into final Plans and provide electronic documents June 15, 2024 The Consultant shall gather factual and broad community input through citizen participation and data collection including: Review all data collection and statistical analysis (demographic, income, employment, housing, mortgage lending, etc.) necessary to meet HUD requirements for these documents, to include: A comprehensive review of the jurisdiction's laws, regulations, and administrative policies, procedures, and practices; An assessment of how those laws, etc. affect the location, availability, and accessibility of housing; Presentations at community and public meetings and moderating discussions (including preparing, copying and distributing bilingual handouts/guidebooks and preparation of meeting minutes) to gather community input on the community needs. This will include: Prepare summary of comments, conduct analysis and assess data gathered and develop 5-year priority recommendations incorporating factual data and public input collected to support those recommendations Provide notice to other required organizations. Questions due November 16, 2023 (By12:00pm Central Time) Qualifications due November 30, 2023 4:30pm Interviews or phone consultations December 12, 2023 Consultant and Contract December 18, 2023 (council approval) Begin work December 22, 2023 Please direct inquiries and submissions (pdf plus 5 hard copies) to: Mikayla McWilliams City Clerk 10 3rd Ave SW/PO Box 5006 Minot, ND 58701
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
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