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Published April 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a parking garage in Providence, Rhode Island. Conceptual plans call for site work for a parking garage.

As of April 8, 2024, information regarding an award for this solicitation is not available. At this time, it is not known if an award has been made. Closed solicitation has been included below for reference. ……………….. The Rhode Island Convention Center Authority is a public corporation of the State of Rhode Island responsible for multiple buildings including the Rhode Island Convention Center (RICC), the Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP), the Veterans Auditorium (VETS), two parking structures at the Convention center, and the Innovation District Parking garage on Cliffor Street. All the buildings are located in downtown Providence, Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Convention Center Authority (the "Authority) is seeking qualifications and proposals from qualified Signage firms for Design-Build Services for the Exterior Signage at the Innovation District Parking Garage through Schematic Design. A lump sum price for balance of design and construction shall be provided at the completion Schematic Design. The Authority reserves the right to negotiate the lump sum price. The scope of work for Design-Build services required is described in this document. The Signage firm selected for this project will report directly to the Project Manager assigned to the project from the Authority. The Signage firm selected will assume full responsibility for the design, estimation, constructability reviews, construction, and close out processes. The Innovation District Parking Garage is a seven-level structure with a capacity of approximately 1,250 spaces. The precast concrete parking garage was constructed from 20182020 by the Authority to support the I-195 redevelopment. Currently, there exists no exterior signage on the building. The Authority is interested in developing an exterior package inclusive of branding, point of entry and informational signage. The anticipated scope of work for the project is outlined below. SCHEMATIC DESIGN SCOPE: o Site visits as necessary to analyze existing building conditions. The awarded firm shall consider structural capacity of existing building components, traffic flow and future/ongoing adjacent development. As-builts of the original construction of the parking garage will be made available to the awarded firm. o Perform Code Review o Facilitate review with local/state Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) and provide written minutes. o Facilitate User Meetings and provide meeting minutes o Develop and present multiple options for consideration by the Authority. Presentation shall include exterior elevations and renderings, sample materials, preliminary estimates and schedule through installation. The presentation shall also include basis of design for any electrical scope as needed. o Facilitate meeting with local authorities as necessary to develop preferred option. o Deliver lump sum price to complete design and furnish and install signage. GENERAL SCOPE: o Provide all design, permitting, construction, and close out work for this project o Work shall in general be limited to the exterior of the building, except for electrical or work which may extend to internal infrastructure. o Include all overtime and weekend work, and expediting fees as needed to complete the work on time. o Include all permits and fees for the work o Provide a Builders Risk policy equal to the value of the contract. o Provide as builts in the form of CAD files and PDF's at the end of the project o Provide a complete close-out package of warrantees, O&M's and the like by the date of final completion. o As part of the response, provide a sample Design Build Contract the proposer suggests be used. Interior signage has previously been installed and is NOT part of the scope this project. The Innovation District Garage shall remain occupied and operational throughout the duration of construction. The awarded firm is to coordinate around egress requirements and peak volume times. The Owner's Project Manager for the Project is Hill International, Inc. They will be onsite daily throughout the duration of construction. During this meeting, the Authority will provide general overview of the scope of work as outlined in the RFP, take a tour of the project site and hold general discussions. Please e-mail Howard Allen, Purchasing Manager, at hallen@pvdricenter.com to RSVP for this meeting no later than November 27, 2023 at 4:00PM. Please clearly state the company you are with along with how many people will be attending this meeting. Questions: All questions regarding this RFP should be sent to Howard Allen, Purchasing Manager at hallen@pvdricenter.com in the form of a WORD document no later than December 6, 2023 at 10:00AM. Answers will be issued via Addendum on the RICCA website under the "RFPs & Financials" tab and on the RI State Purchasing Website.


Parking Garage


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 15, 2024


99 W Exchange St, Providence, RI

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