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Published November 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Upon receipt of an acceptable bid, the contract will be awarded within thirty days after the opening of bids and the written contract executed within sixty days thereafter. Contractor qualification statement must be submitted seven (7) calendar days prior to bid date to the Owner, if not currently on file. Attention is called to the fact that a designated completion date for this project site will be established based on the number of calendar days, as stated in the accepted bid, required to complete the Project work. There will be a $2500 Liquidated Damages Clause for each day the contract is not completed. The scheduled completion date will be a very significant and material factor to the owner when selecting the Lowest Responsible Bid. Each Bidder must include (in the space provided on the Bid Form) the number of calendar days, which the Bidder will require to complete the specified Project. Failure to comply with the above bid requirements will result in the return of unopened Bid Proposal. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities or minor irregularities in any bid.




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3924 N Lansing Ave., Tulsa, OK

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