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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lebanon, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this bid is to furnish the Boone County Highway and other Departments with various supplies for the year 2024. All Bids are to be accompanied with a bid bond in the amount of $500.00 and Indiana State Board of Accounts Bid Form 95 or 96. The Boone County Highway Department will then review all bids prior to the Boards acceptance of bids on December 18th, 2023. The following categories of materials are being requested with this bid: Category #1 Asphalt Materials Category #2 Stone, Gravel, Sand and Steel Slag Materials Category #3 Pipe & Culvert Materials Category #4 Pavement Traffic Markings Bids must utilize Standardized Bid forms provided in the 2024 Bidders Packet and are to be enclosed in a sealed opaque envelope addressed to the Boone County Board of Commissioners with the name and place of business of the bidder stated on the envelope. They shall be marked Bids for (Example Category #3- pipe & Culvert Materials) Once bids are submitted, they may not be altered or withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of the bids, providing the Board of Commissioners makes the award within the sixty (60) day period. Bidders may provide material bids for any or all materials listed in the bid list. Unless otherwise noted, specifications for material listed shall conform to the Indiana Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Current Edition which is made a part of this requisition by reference thereof. All materials must come from a state approved source. Bidders must include minimum specifications on any, and all materials not covered by the above specifications. The Boone County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any, and all bids and reserve the right to award any contract or purchase any materials by specific geographic areas, to be determined after bids have been reviewed. The Boone County Commissioners reserve the right, after bids have been reviewed, that if there is no justification for more than one bidder for a particular item of the materials, they may award that contract to one bidder for the entire county. The Commissioners may exercise the right, at their discretion, to waive any informalities, or technicalities, in the bidding, so long as the intent and purpose of this notice have been conformed with, and to re-advertise. Bidders must accept these conditions without exception when bidding. All bidders may reserve the right to allocate their product to their customers in a fair and equitable manner, if necessary, due to the deduction of allocation from the source of supply to the bidder in accordance with any directives for mandatory allocation issued by an appropriate agency of the federal government. However, the Boone County Commissioners reserve the right to purchase supplies from the supplier who has the material available at any time. All bids on all items are to be firm for the entire year. The Board of Commissioners for Boone County Indiana acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the American Disabilities Act of 1990. In order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternate audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to County sponsored public programs, services and or meetings, the county requests that individuals make request for these services forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, services and/or meeting. The Commissioners meeting will be open to the public, however audio/video remote participation is available at the following links using, 1) BlueJeans:. 2) Dial in number: 1-888-748-9073 Meeting ID: 7654834492 Please mute your audio while on the call unless you are presenting an agenda item. #agenda item.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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December 4, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Lebanon, IN

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