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Site work for a mixed-use development in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Work of the project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, re-grading, and providing new asphalt pavement, provide new concrete curb and gutter, remove and provide concrete sidewalk and curb ramps, and replace storm sewer covers indicated in the project Bid documents. Substantial Completion Date: June 1st, 2024 A 10 percent bid bond or certified check is required with bid. Targeted Business Enterprise (TBE) participation goal for this project is 25 percent. Owner reserves right to reject bid, to waive informalities in bid or to accept bid which will be in best interest of Owner. Base Bid shall remain open to acceptance for a period of 60 days after bid due date Prime Contractors submitting a Bid shall be Qualified by Milwaukee County prior to submitting a Bid. See Document 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders Article 14 - Qualification of Bidders Bidders attention is called to the "Notice of Requirements for Affirmative Action to Insure Equal Employment Opportunity" contained in bid documents. Community Business Development Partners (CBDP) is responsible for monitoring and enforcing the Milwaukee County Target Enterprise (TBE) Program for inclusion of small business. Target firms include DBE firms certified under the Wisconsin Unified Certification Program following Federal regulations, WBE and MBE certifications from the State of Wisconsin DOA, SBE firms certified by Milwaukee County, and SBE firms meeting SBA size standards and listed in the SAM directory. Meeting TBE project participation goals may be achieved utilizing any combination of TBE firms, whether DBE, SBE, MBE, or WBE. There are no percentage goals assigned directly to any of the types of firms. This allows for increased participation by providing opportunities for multiple certifications to be included in the project. TBE Prime's will receive credit towards the goal for work they self-perform. The Target Enterprise participation goal for this project is 25%. To be considered for this project, you must submit Subcontractor/Sub-consultant/Supplier Information with your Bid/Proposal listing all subcontractors as well as signed Commitment to Contract with TBE (TBE-14) forms, one for each of the TBE firms included to meet participation. TBE-14 form(s) must identify (1) the TBE firm by name and address, (2) the scope of work/service(s) to be provided, (3) the dollar amount of such work, and (4) the percentage. The form is first completed and signed by the Prime, then forwarded to the TBE subcontractor for signature in the affirmation section. Signatures must occur in the proper date order sequence, or the form may be considered non-responsive. CBDP is entitled to reject your bid for improperly completed forms. If you are not able to meet the goal, you must submit the TBE-01 Good Faith Effort with the bid for your bid to be considered. The undersigned agrees, if signatory to the Contract, to commence work upon receipt of Notice to Proceed and achieve Substantial Completion of the Work by June 28, 2024.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - County

Site Work





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December 6, 2023

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Kinnickinnic River Trl, Milwaukee, WI

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