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Published November 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kemptville, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000260136 Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/12/05 11:00:00 AM EST Bid Intent Deadline 2023/12/06 11:00:00 AM EST The Township of Rideau Lakes is seeking bids for solid waste transportation and disposal services for a term of five years (2024 2028) with the option to extend the contract for an additional five years. The Township operates two Transfer Stations, one outside of Portland, and one outside of Delta. In 2022, the Township transferred approximately 2200 tonnes of waste out of our two transfer stations. The work will involve being responsible for providing transfer, transportation, and disposal of the Townships waste from its two transfer stations. This includes supplying the transfer stations with the containers necessary to receive incoming waste, the removal and disposal of full containers promptly when ordered, and the placement of empty containers. The contractor will be responsible for loading and unloading the containers. The Contractor will supply the necessary number of collection vehicles and containers as required, with qualified, experienced operators sufficient to fulfill the work outlined in this RFP. The vehicles and equipment provided and utilized by the Contractor will be safe, mechanically adequate, and have all necessary permits required by law. The Contractor must also maintain all required licences, permits, and approvals necessary to perform the Work, and the Work must be performed in full compliance with all laws, bylaws, and regulations in the Province of Ontario. The Contractor will transport the waste to an appropriate facility for disposal. Full containers will be picked up on an as needed basis, with next day pick up being preferred. Containers will only be picked up when the Township has requested that they be taken. The Township has two active transfer stations, one in Portland and one in Delta. The Portland Transfer Station (located at 4427H Old Kingston Rd) is open to the public on Wednesdays and Saturdays and accepts waste from residents as well as businesses and institutions. The Portland Transfer Station currently uses 4 40 Yard Roll Off open top containers, and one 40 Yard Roll Off container for use with a compactor. The Delta Transfer Station (located at 1628-B County Rd 42) is not open to the public, and municipal solid waste collected through the Townships curbside collection program is brought to this transfer station. Currently, the Delta transfer station has 3 40 yard roll off open top containers. In 2022, 927.43 tonnes of waste were transferred out of the Portland Transfer Station, and 1301.57 tons of waste were transferred out of the Delta Transfer Station. In 2021, 904.02 tonnes of waste were transferred out of the Portland Transfer Station, and 1319.86 tonnes of waste were transferred out of the Delta Transfer Station. Optional Contract Extensions Prior to September 1, 2028, the contractor will advise the Corporation of The Township of Rideau Lakes, in writing, whether or not they are prepared to offer the same services for another five-year term (2029-2033). The Township will accept or reject this offer prior to September 15, 2028. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Kemptville, ON

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