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Published February 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a museum in Beverly, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a museum.

As of February 13,2024, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Bid Date has been Extended Randolph County Historical Society is requesting bids for masonry repair and repointing for the historic Bosworth Building, Beverly, WV. Project completion date is June 30, 2024. Partial funds for this project from WV State Historic Preservation Office who will approve the work. Work must comply with Secretary of Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation and all applicable federal, state and local regulations. For questions or more information contact Phyllis Baxter, project manager; phyllisbwv@gmail.com, 304-642-7427 Scope of Work - Masonry: For all: Conduct an historic mortar analysis to determine the color, texture, and composition of the historic mortar. A sample patch must be completed to confirm appropriateness. The new mortar recipe and mock-up must be approved by the grant monitor prior to installation. The new mortar must match the existing historic mortar. Different mortar may be necessary for older soft brick, newer hard brick, and stone foundation elements of the building. Perform an environmental impact survey for work. Identify any possible HAZMAT in any applicable existing building materials. Provide a mason experienced with preservation work, or consult with a preservation mason, to advise on the extent of repointing needed for the entire building. Price shall include and cover the cost of mortar analysis, and the furnishing of all materials, labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary for the repointing of the masonry. Include unit price for repointing in case additional areas needing repointing for brick and foundation are identified. Item 1 - Northwest corner masonry repair and repointing Repair and repoint deteriorated brickwork on the northwest corner of the building including removing and resetting bricks that are loose or unstable, then clean and repoint the deteriorated area. Gently clean the brick surface of the affected area and repoint. The area of repair is approximately 300 sq ft at the corner. Coordinate with and reinstall downspout. Item 2 - North and West walls masonry repair and repointing Removal and replacement, then repointing with appropriate mortar, of approximately 14% of loose bricks estimated at 280 sq ft. Repointing of about 25% of the total area (estimated 800 sq ft north facade, 500 sq ft west facade of the addition, and 700 sq ft west end of the original 1824 building) for an estimated gross total of 500 sq ft to be repointed of the 2000 sq ft total area. Item 3 - South wall Removal and replacement, then repointing with appropriate mortar, of approximately 10% of loose bricks estimated at 90 sq ft, Repointing of about 20% of the area estimated at 180 sq ft. Maintain and do not alter ghost advertisements on walls. Clean and repair or stabilize the gutter to stop water leaks onto the wall. Coordinate with, reinstall, and stabilize downspout. Item 4 - East wall Repair estimated 20% of soft brick (140 sq ft) and Repointing and cleaning as needed estimated 10 % of newer hard brick (55 sq ft). Examine masonry previously patched with incorrect mortar, remove without damaging bricks, then repoint with appropriate mortar to match the original building. Treat stone sills with appropriate treatment to reduce future staining. Item 5 -- Foundation Stabilize and repair the foundation as needed, with mortar pointing where appropriate to stabilize the stone. Show particular attention to the South facade exposed above grade and the northwest corner.

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January 15, 2024

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728 Main St, Beverly, WV

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