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Published November 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Harpswell, Maine. Conceptual plans call for site work for a fire / police facility; and for the construction of a fire / police facility.

The Town has undertaken preliminary site assessment and limited conceptual work for a new Emergency Services Building on Mountain Road. The Selected Firm will work with the Town's Fire and Rescue Planning Committee to advance preliminary concept ideas and site information to the development of a building design and site proposal with estimated construction costs. Preliminary concept design is expected to be for a multi-bay station with associated maintenance, residential and administrative space situated on Town property next to the current Emergency Services Building on Mountain Road. Fire and Ambulance Services have historically been provided to the Town by three independent volunteer Fire Departments, which were formed as a result of the Town's unique geography. The Town is currently divided into three fire and rescue districts. The Cundy's Harbor Volunteer Fire Department serves Great Island, except for the most southern sections, with a station in Cundy's Harbor. The south part of Great Island is served by the Orr's & Bailey Islands Fire Department, which also serves both of those islands with a station on each. Harpswell Neck is covered by Harpswell Neck Fire and Rescue, which serves its district from a station in South Harpswell. As the local Fire Departments have struggled with financial issues, available skills, and coverage, the Town has provided support to the Departments in various ways over time. The Town of Harpswell is soliciting proposals and qualifications from qualified firms to provide design services and develop building and site plans including estimated costs for construction of a new Emergency Services facility on Mountain Road in Harpswell. The centrally-located building is intended to house certain parts of the Town's emergency services capabilities including fire and emergency medical services on a 7x24x365 basis and incorporate the necessary support infrastructure. Firms with relevant experience in designing fire stations or other public safety buildings that house fire and emergency medical services, and the qualifications to perform the services outlined herein, are encourage to submit a proposal. Firms may partner with other firms to ensure that the design team provides the appropriate level of expertise in the required disciplines. However, design teams must designate one lead firm. The lead firm shall be responsible for meeting all of the requirements of the proposal. All questions concerning this RFP/RFQ shall be directed in writing to: Kristi Eiane, Town Administrator, keiane@town.harpswell.me.us at least one week before the opening date. Questions received after this time will not be addressed. Responses from the Town that substantially impact the RFP/RFQ will be issued in the form of a written addendum and posted on the Town's website. All proposals shall remain open to acceptance for 90 days from opening. Selection Criteria: Each proposal will be evaluated based upon the documentation submitted and any interviews. The selection will be based on the following: o Qualifications and experience o Project/Proposal approach o Anticipated Schedule o Fee Statement (Hourly rates and estimated number of hours for each rate) General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 including protection for bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of $500,000 for bodily injury and $500,000 for property damage for each occurrence. Professional Liability Insurance for negligence, in the amount of $1,000,000 per claim and annual aggregate Automobile Liability Insurance providing limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The successful firm shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold the Town harmless from all losses, damages, and cost which arise out of the performance of this agreement, to the extent it is caused by the contractor, its subcontractor or anyone for whose act it may be liable. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals; to waive informalities and technicalities, and to accept any proposal which it deems to be in the best interest of the Town. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. **Bid Event : Submission Requirements: Ten hard copies and one electronic copy. a. Transmittal Letter summarizing why the company should be selected b. Detailed description of the firm's proposed approach to the project and how it intends to ensure that the Town's needs will be met. c. Include a projected timeline to reach progress milestones and completion of concept design and cost estimates d. Detail of the amount of effort, in hours and cost, dedicated to each phase of the project by the project/design team. e. Summary of Relevant Projects including name of project, objective, client, project costs, and description of the public process f. Resumes of the team members


Fire / Police


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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December 23, 2024


Mountain Rd, Harpswell, ME

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