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Published March 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Burlington, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of February 12, 2024 this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award was not yet been established. The City of Burlington requires the design, supply, and installation of new playground and swing equipment at four sites in Burlington. Design 1 - Millcroft Park - large destination park Design 2 - Nelson Park - large destination park Design 3 - Pinemeadow Park - medium neighbourhood park Design 4 - Tom Thomson P.S. medium neighbourhood park (adjacent to school grounds) The playground equipment installations will be part of city park construction contracts in 2024. The City of Burlington will be issuing separate construction tenders to select the General Contractor (GC) to construct the site works. The successful Bidders (Contractors) on this RFP will be issued a Purchase Order by the City, will be paid directly by the City, and they MUST commit to work as a subcontractor with the GC(s) selected as the City's constructors for the site works for the future play equipment replacement contracts. Failure to comply will result in Vendor Performance consequences. The GC(s) selected as the City's constructors for the site works for the future play equipment replacement contracts will co-ordinate the Contractor(s) work for the supply and installation of the playground equipment with their site works and the installation of the protective surfaces (as set out in this bid request). Bidders are invited to price and submit four (4) project sites, new climbing apparatuses, ground components, swing and playground equipment designs for consideration and evaluation. Each design is to reflect the preferred play component types outlined in this RFP under Site Design Details (Appendix J). Each play type determined through a public engagement process on Get Involved Burlington conducted in late 2023. The survey results are posted in the Bidding System to provide bidders with additional information regarding the features chosen by each community specific to their park. Bidders are expected to be creative with their designs and where feasible playground design proposals for each park might consider the character of the park and neighbourhood as part of the design theme. There will be an emphasis on designs including unique features that will set each playground apart from others. All playground and swing perimeters will be concrete curbing. Select sites have predetermined curb dimensions (noted in Appendices A to E) and others have a delineated square meter area for design of which Bidders have flexibility with the perimeter boundary to accommodate proposed equipment designs. All playground equipment layouts must keep within designated square meter areas provided in RFP. The city playground standard requires the swings and playground equipment to be separated in two distinct play surface areas. The city preference is for two separate structures geared towards 1-5yrs (junior) and 5-12yrs (senior), but in the larger playgrounds, there is flexibility to blend age groups into one structure to take advantage of the integrated accessible ramps and incorporate more playable features. Note: Final colour palettes will be determined once the detail design work has been completed. Bidders do not have to bid on all 4 parks; therefore, partial Bids will be accepted. Documents can be obtained at: https://burlington.bidsandtenders.ca *Awarded project value is undisclosed.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Burlington, ON

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