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Published February 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Westbrook, Maine. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a 350-square-foot municipal facility.

As of 2/6/2024 the project has been abandoned by the owner. Project consists of but is not limited to selective demolition, masonry, structural steel, doors, frames, hardware, ACT, studs and drywall, LVT & base, painting, bath accessories, lockers, appliances, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical. *The bid list for this project may be incomplete. If you have been invited to bid on this project by the owner, please notify our editorial staff at contentcase@constructconnect.com. 11/27/23 to 12/12/23 - Question and answer period, questions sent to wgilbert@pwd.org Answers to all questions will be shared Renovation of Westbrook Locker room approximately 350 sf in size. SCOPE OF WORK The successful respondent and the District will enter into an Agreement for Construction Services per the District's standard terms and conditions as provided in the attached sample Agreement. Proposers are encouraged to ask questions or request clarifications regarding the Agreement during the RFB process; the District does not intend to negotiate the Agreement's standard terms and conditions after recommendation of award is made. Any exceptions to the terms of the Agreement must be noted in the proposal. The bids shall include the minimum requirements stated in this RFB The scope of work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following. Westbrook; 285 Park Rd Westbrook, ME 04092 -Demo existing cement block walls and all items currently in locker room/ washroom - Install 2 "pods" with a shower stall, toilet and sink in each. - One Pod will be ADA compliant. - Prep and paint floors with 2-part epoxy, walls, miscellaneous piping, doors and trim (all paint must be approved by PWD). - Replace lockers with similar style and quantity. - Provide paper towel holders, soap dispensers and toilet paper holders to be installed by the contractor. And approved by PWD. - All miscellanies electrical and plumbing directly associated with the project. - Install an exhaust fan system for each pod and locker areas. - All Plumbing fixtures will be touchless technology. - Frame in small closet where current IT equipment is housed. - Bench Seating in "pod" and locker area. - Washer and Dryer area. - New Mop sink. - Permitting by contractor.

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285 Park Rd, Westbrook, ME

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