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Published April 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Saugus, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

A. The work under the Contract consists of 1. Obtain all permits and approvals. 2. Provide a complete code compliant addressable fire alarm upgrade at the Sweetsers Corner development, including: (a) Replacement FACP, (b) New wiring for new devices within the building, concealed in walls, ceilings, attics and crawlspaces, or within new surface metal raceway (SMR) where explicitly allowed, (c) Replacement peripheral devices (heat and smoke detectors, manual pull stations, horns, strobes and horn strobes, monitor and control modules, etc.), (d) Cutting and patching of surfaces as required for installation of the work, including disposal of waste, (e) Demolition of all existing fire alarm equipment, devices, raceways, conductors, supports, etc. as noted or shown on the plans. (f) Patching or plating of all openings where devices are removed or surfaces otherwise impacted, such as by removal or SMR or other raceways. (g) Maintenance of the existing fire detection and alarm system until such time as the upgraded system is installed, tested and accepted by the AHJ. 3. Fire pump and controller replacement at Laurel Towers development. (a) All fire protection work associated with work noted above. (b) All electrical work associated with work noted above. 4. Testing, training, commissioning and demonstration of all systems; 5. Record Drawings; 6. Operation and Maintenance Instruction and Manuals; 7. Warranty. 8. All Work either shown on the drawings or included in the specifications unless specifically indicated as not to be done. Project Address - Laurel Towers - 2 Rice Street and Sweetsers Corner - 3 Baker Street Saugus, MA 01906 The Project consists of: Replace the fire alarm system at Sweetser's Corner with a new complete, code compliant, addressable fire alarm system, and replace the existing fire pump and controller at Laurel Tower. Saugus Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from Contractors for the Ftsire Alarm Upgrade at the Sweeer's Corner development, and the Fire Pump Replacement Project at the Laurel Towers development for the Saugus Housing Authority in Saugus Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by Nangle Engineering Incorporated. General bids and sub-bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Saugus Housing Authority. General bidders must agree to contract with minority and women business enterprises as certified by the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO), formerly known as SOMWBA. The combined participation benchmark reserved for such enterprises shall not be less than 13% of the final contract price including accepted alternates. Request for waivers must be sent to DHCD (david.mcclave@mass.gov) 5 calendar days prior to the General Bid date Any questions must be submitted in writing to the Designer, at the e-mail address above, and on the Project Manual cover, no later than 4:00 PM on the Friday prior to the date stated above for the receipt of sub-bids or bids as appropriate. Questions after that time may not be responded to, at the sole discretion of the designer.

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Fire / Police


Public - City


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Multiple Locations, Saugus, MA

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