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Site work for a civil project in Valdosta, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Technical Specifications for Water Treatment Plant No. 2 Production Wells No. 1 & 2 The Base Bid work to be performed consists of drilling construction and installation of two (2) Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) municipal production wells (designated Production Wells No. 1 and No. 2) for the City of Valdosta (City) located on City property north of Race Track Road SE and West of Madison Highway, south of the Valdosta Regional Airport. The work will consist of general well construction permit preparation and permit receipt, site preparation, well drilling and installation of casing, temporary wellhead and laboratory services for water quality sampling. The well construction will consist of two steel casings for surficial and intermediate casings and a final PVC casing (SDR 17 Certa-Lok PVC casing). The surficial casing will be installed via mud rotary drilling method and grouted in place with a three-inch annulus to a depth of approximately 65 feet below land surface (bls). The 24-inch intermediate casing will be installed via dual rotary drilling and turning of casing or drill and drive method to a depth of approximately 210 feet into the limestone of the UFA. The final casing will be installed via reverse-air drilling and grouted in place from approximately 230 feet bls to surface. The wells will be developed using temporary pumps with flow rates up to 2,500 gallons per minute (gpm), 24-hour step drawdown testing and other provisions as specified in the contract specifications (see Section 01010 - Summary of Work) and as shown on the Contract Documents. All work shall be constructed as described in the Technical Specifications. Contract Documents and additional available information are open for public inspection at the following location: Utility Department, City of Valdosta, 1016 Myrtle Street, Valdosta, GA 31603. Each Bid shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the Bid. The Bid Security shall be in the form of Bid Bond or certified check. Bidders may not withdraw their Bids for a period of 60 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays after the actual date of the opening of the Bids. The Successful Bidder must furnish a 100 percent Performance Bond and a 100 percent Payment Bond with a surety company acceptable to the Owner. Complete instructions for filing Bids are included in the Instructions to Bidders. The work shall be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose qualifications shall enable the Owner to take into consideration the proven skill and experience of the Bidder, facilities for satisfying the Purchase Order, previous satisfactory performance, and such other abilities of the Bidder as will enable them to provide the Equipment/Material and applicable services. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in or to reject any or all Bids if deemed to be in its best interest. Any and all technical questions relative to this project should be directed to the Engineer in writing immediately (Contact: Yanni Polematidis, P.E., CDM Smith,, 904-527- 6722). Any questions regarding the procurement documents or process shall be directed to Jason Barnes, Assistant Utility Director,, 229-259-3592. In order not to provide an unfair advantage to a particular Bidder, all questions must be brought to the City's attention at least 5 business days prior to the bid date. Questions received after this date cannot be considered. All responses to questions will be presented in the form of a written addendum. From the date of the Notice to Proceed for the project, construction shall be substantially complete within 270 consecutive calendar days. Final completion for the project shall be thirty (30) consecutive calendar days after substantial completion for that specific project.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Race Track Rd SE, Valdosta, GA

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