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Published December 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Bristol, Connecticut. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

On behalf of the Bristol Board of Education, the City of Bristol is seeking proposals for development of construction documents for installation of HVAC System upgrades at Ellen P. Hubbell Elementary School, located at 90 West Washington Street. Funding for this project is made available via American Rescue Plan Act / Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP/ESSER II) funds. All work shall assume incorporation of regulations and considerations associated with the use of said funds. The City reserves the right to waive any informalities in any submission, to reject any and/or all submissions, and to accept the qualifications that in its judgment is in its best interest. The awarded firm will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. The scope of services is generally defined as noted below. Firms submitting proposals are required to include information on how the scope of services will be addressed, including a timeline relative to the tasks defined. 1. Perform all investigative work necessary to establish existing conditions. 2. Prepare preliminary designs and cost estimates. Please note that the City of Bristol and its Board of Education are subject to prevailing wage requirements in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes. Budgets developed must be comprehensive, including costs for construction, administration and inspection, permitting, printing, advertising, engineering, special inspections, materials testing, etc. Cost associated with a presentation of the preliminary designs and cost estimates should be considered in your proposal. 3. Prepare complete construction plans, including, but not limited to, plan and profile views, cross sections, typical details and detailed cost estimate sheets. Design submissions will be required at the preliminary and final design stages. 4. Prepare all construction documents, including, but not limited to, notices, special provisions, and detailed unit price bid proposals. All construction documents shall be submitted at the semi-final stage. Please note that the City has developed standard bid terms and conditions that may be used as a template for such work. Provide finished drawings and specifications to the City for bidding by the Purchasing Agent; it is expected that your firm will be available for assistance in the bidding process. Your firm should assume that drawings and specifications will be made available to bidders directly by a reprographics firm providing online access and direct document handling (i.e. printing costs borne by the bidders). 5. Attend prebid meeting and address RFI's, and review and evaluate bids received, including detailed analysis of the three lowest bids and return recommendation for award of contract. 6. It is anticipated that the selected firm's obligation during construction will involve plan and specification interpretation and clarification as necessary, attendance at job meetings, assistance in compliance throughout construction, assistance in the coordination of special inspections, review of materials testing, limited inspection of work performed by contractor(s), and approval of payment requisitions from contractor(s). Please note that the Board of Education has staff dedicated to serve as Clerk of the Works; however, the selected firm is expected to include the cost for a level of inspection services that would permit the firm to satisfy itself of the work prior to signing requisitions for payment. It is the intent of this Request for Proposals to provide complete, timely, professional engineering services for the project. In the event that an interview of your firm is requested for the purpose of assessing your firm's capabilities for this work, the interview team should be prepared to all of the needs of the project. Recommendation of contract award :January 9, 2024 Completion of construction documents: April 15, 2024 Questions regarding this document should be referred to Roger D. Rousseau at (860) 584-6195 or at rogerrousseau@bristolct.gov. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this request or if additional data is necessary to enable interpretation of provisions of this document, revisions or addenda will be provided to all prospective firms who receive this document; such revisions or addenda will additionally be posted This document includes an acknowledgement page; this page must be faxed back to the Purchasing Department, to ensure proper notification of changes to the published documents. The City of Bristol does not assume responsibility for any vendor that does not receive revisions or addenda, where the vendor has not acknowledged receipt of any portion thereof. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 29, 2024


90 W Washington St, Bristol, CT

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