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Renovation of a library in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

The Milwaukee Public Library Board of Trustees requests bids for all labor and material required for the MPL Central Library Roof and Annex Replacement project as described within the scope and details of the bid documents. Questions Due Date Online Portal Deadline to submit Questions Mar 15th 2024, 6:00 PM CDT Each bid must be accompanied by Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will execute and file the proposed Contract and 100% Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) days after award of the Contract. The Bid Security shall be prosecuted in the name of the Board of Trustees, Milwaukee Public Library and judgment recovered thereon for the full amount of penalty thereof as liquidated damages in any court having jurisdiction if the Bid Proposal is accepted and a contract based thereon is awarded and the bidder shall fail to enter into a contract in the form prescribed with legally-responsible sureties within ten (10) days after such award is made by the Board of Trustees, Milwaukee Public Library. The bond shall be executed on the form included in the contract documents by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin and acceptable as surety to the Board of Trustees, Milwaukee Public Library. Accompanying the bond shall be a "Power of Attorney" authorizing the attorney-in-fact to bind the surety company and certified to include the date of the bond. When preparing a Bid proposal, responders are instructed to thoroughly read all instructions in the bidding package and its specifications. Your proposal is an offer to perform or supply the service or materials described above in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Bid, Scope of Services, Standard Terms and Conditions, and the contract. In no event shall the responder submit its own standard contract terms and conditions as a response to this Bid. Your proposal must meet the plan(s) or scope of services set forth herein. In accordance with Chapter 365 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances, the application of a Local Business Enterprise (LBE) program is required in all contracting activities, unless contrary to federal, state or local law, or regulation. To this end, the Milwaukee Public Library will apply an award standard that adds an additional number of points, equal to 5% or the maximum number of points used in the evaluation of the Bid proposal, to increase the total score attained by a local business enterprise. Responders seeking the Local Business Enterprise preference shall prepare and submit with the proposal an accurate affidavit certifying their LBE status. Failure to do so may result in an LBE forfeiting their rights to be considered for the program. The Library reserves the rights to award no contracts after the Bid proposals are scored. Bidders are encouraged to reach out to Ken Martin via email at for any questions regarding asbestos removal coordination.




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814 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI

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