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Published December 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Portland, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

As the living room of our urban campus, the Smith Memorial Student Union ("SMSU" or "Smith") brings together students and the campus community by providing a center for ideas, programs, services, and engagement that enriches the social, cultural and educational environment of Portland State University ("PSU"). Create a full set of design documents that include the following deliverables 15%/Concept Design, 50% Design Documents, 90% Design Documents, and 100% Bid Package for the listed construction items: o Create full bid package in order to obtain accurate contractor proposals. Provide Design documents and Construction specifications. Design and specifications shall adhere to PSU's technical design standards which can be found here: https://www.pdx.edu/construction/standards-procedures o Include all relevant specialty design, including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Plumbing Engineering, and Fire Protection/Fire Alarm design as required o At a later date, during the project MEP design phase, and the required Architectural and Structural design scopes have been determined, Architectural and Structural design services will be added to the project via a contract amendment, or provided to the project by the owner under a separate contract. o PSU will hire a 3rd party cost estimator and prime contractor who will provide construction cost estimating services. They will provide estimates at 50%, 90% and 100% milestones. The design team will need to review and offer feedback on those estimates. o The design team will need to develop a base bid and alternates based on the owner provided reconciled cost estimates to ensure construction costs remain in budget. o Work with building users to develop a suggested phasing plan of the construction work so that it can be accomplished with minimal impact to users. o Hazardous materials survey will be provided by the owner. *Investigate energy incentive opportunities through the Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO)., and provide supporting documentation as requested by the ETO Questions Due : December 19, 2023, 5:00 PM local time Prospective Proposers must submit questions or requests for clarification or change via email to proposals@pdx.edu.



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