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Published December 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Tucson, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

General Description Demo existing residential modular, haul away, rough grade lot around stem wall, and pull back utilities to demark location/meters. Utility services are to remain, except cut back house lines to meters/poles. The Contractor is to salvage and maintain in place, the stem wall under the modular, The HVAC unit including the fabricated ductwork to be salvaged and left in place for the owner, The Contractor is to include hazardous material testing as required. The contractor is allowed to use the existing water source for dust control. Contractor Selection: The Pascua Yaqui project committee shall review quotations and award the most responsive and responsible contractor. Indian Preference: Contractors wishing to qualify as an Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise shall be required to complete the Indian Enterprise Qualification Statement. See Attachment B Competition in this solicitation will be open to all qualified parties. However, if a quote is received from a qualified Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise, the contract shall be awarded under preference to such Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise when its quote is responsive to all other conditions and does not exceed the lowest quote by the following percentages when the lowest quote is: Quote Amount $0 to $10,000 - 6% $10,001 to $249,999 - 4% Preference is not required to be afforded to an Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise having a poor record of performance or where the costs are not reasonable in light of prevailing market pricing. If a qualified, responsive, and responsible Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise submits a quote, PYT shall reduce the Indian Organization's or Indian Owned Enterprise's base quote by the applicable percentage above to determine whether the Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise is the de jure lowest quote. If the Indian Organization or Indian Owned Enterprise is the de jure lowest quoting company, its base quote shall be used to process the contract. Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO): Contractors working or proposing to engage in work for the Pascua Yaqui Tribe must obtain a written agreement from Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) stating that the Contractor will comply with the specific TERO requirements and the TERO Ordinance. TERO agreement, forms, and example forms attached to this Request For Quote. See Attachment C. Tribal and Certified Wages: The Pascua Yaqui Tribe require that Construction trades performing work on this project are to be paid the higher of the Tribal Wage Scale or the prevailing local wages. This requirement applies to all employees regardless of tribal affiliation. Weekly certified payrolls will be required on this project. Temporary Business License and Building Permit: No County Permits are required, as this project has an Agricultural Exemption. Pascua Yaqui Tribe (PYT) Permits will be obtained from PYT FMD with your Tribal Business License. Inspections will be performed by Tribal Inspectors. All Contractors performing construction projects for the Pascua Yaqui Tribe are subject to a $150.00 TERO Business License Fee. State And Local Transaction Privilege Taxes: In accordance with applicable state and local law, transaction privilege taxes may be applicable to this transaction. The legal liability to remit state and local transaction privilege taxes is on the entity or persons conducting business in Arizona. It is the sole responsibility of the prospective contractor to determine any applicable taxes and rates and remitting taxes. PYT will not deduct, add or alter pricing based on taxes. PYT will not answer any questions regarding the contractor's tax liability. Contractors should seek advice from a tax professional prior to submitting their quote. Once a contractor's quote is submitted, the offer is valid for the time specified in this solicitation, regardless of mistake or omission of tax liability. If PYT finds overpayment due to a tax consideration that was not due, the contractor will be liable to PYT for that amount and by contracting with PYT, agrees to remit any overpayments back to PYT for miscalculations on taxes included in a quote price. Sample Contract Agreement Form: This project shall utilize Pascua Yaqui Tribe Professional Goods and Services Agreement. Questions Regarding the Solicitation or Scope of Work: Email Procurement ContractingOffice - PCO@pascuayaqui- nsn.gov




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Site Work

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3300 S Marstellar Rd, Tucson, AZ

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