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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Jonesville, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Pending official notification of the award of a Lead and Copper Assessment and a Lead and Copper Replacement grant from the Lead Service Line Replacement Fund via the North Carolina State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA) in the amounts of $400,000 and $1,854,000, respectively. The Town of Jonesville proposes utilizing these funds to identify lead and copper water lines in the Town's system and replace them with new lines. The engineering firm selected to provide these services will be responsible for both grants, Lead Assessment & Lead Replacement. The Town has identified a project area within the Town's water distribution system that is comprised of six (6) streets, which includes 131 water services that are believed to be lead services for replacement. The project involves the identification and replacement of the lead service lines within the project area. The lead service lines are 3/4-inch lines, and these will be replaced with new 3/4-inch HDPE plastic service lines. There are approximately 131 (including the 20 known lead services) service lines planned to be replaced as part of the project. Engineering services shall include, but are not limited to, standard tasks necessary for the implementation of the project in conformance with North Carolina State Laws and Best Practices and any Federal guidelines as required. 1. Preparing the bid package(s) in conformance with applicable regulations and requirements. 2. Preparing applications and obtaining necessary permits for project implementation with applicable regulations and requirements. 3. Supervising the bid advertising, tabulation, and award process, including preparing the advertisements for bid solicitations, conducting pre-bid meeting, conducting bid opening, and issuing the notice to proceed. 4. Conducting the pre-construction conference. 5. Surveying, field staking, on-site supervising of construction work, and preparing inspection reports. 6. Reviewing and approving all contractor requests for payment, change orders, and submitting approved requests to the governing body. 7. Providing reproducible plan drawings to the Town upon project completion. 8. Conducting final inspection and testing. 9. Submitting certified "as-built" drawings to appropriate authorities; and 9. Preparing an operation and maintenance manual (if applicable). Being a MWBE or Section 3 firm does not guarantee a contract. The selected firm must meet all other qualifications. Upon completion of the review, the Committee will make its recommendation to the Town Council for approval to negotiate a contract price. For more information, contact Town Clerk Wendy Thompson at (336) 835-3426. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 10, 2024


Multiple Locations, Jonesville, NC

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