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Published February 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Huntsville, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a swimming pool.

Description: The City of Huntsville is requesting bids to establish a purchase order for services to repair and fabricate the flatform and stairs for the slide at the Frank D. “Poncho” Roberts Aquatics Center located at 912 Avenue N, Huntsville, Texas, 77320. This project has an estimated budget of $60,000. The City of Huntsville is requesting bids to establish a purchase order for services to repair and fabricate the platform and stairs for the slide at the Frank D. “Poncho” Roberts Aquatics Center. This is a resolicitation of Bid NO. 24-01 “Huntsville Aquatic Center Slide Repair.” The City of Huntsville is aware of the time and effort you expend in preparing and submitting bids and proposals to the City. Please let us know of any requirements which are causing you difficulty in responding to our requests. We want to make the process as easy and painless as possible so that all responsible vendors can compete for the City's business. Bid Bond This project will not require the submittal of a bid bond. Terms of Contract Installation and all specified work is to be completed within ninety (90) calendar days of issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Termination of Contract The City of Huntsville reserves the right to terminate this agreement if, in the opinion of the City of Huntsville, the successful vendor’s performance is not acceptable, or if the deliveries and servicing of this contract do not conform to the requirements detailed herein or for any cause. If through any cause, the vendor fails to fulfill its obligations under this contract, or if the vendor violates any of the agreements of this contract, the City has the right to terminate this contract by giving the successful bidder thirty (30) calendar days-written notice. Should the vendor violate any laws or participate in illegal activity the City has the right to cancel the agreement immediately. The vendor will be compensated for the satisfactorily deliveries performed before the termination date. The vendor shall have the right to cancel the contract upon a thirty (30) days written notice to the City of Huntsville. The vendor will be compensated for the satisfactorily deliveries performed before the termination date.


Swimming Pools


Public - City

Site Work

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912 Avenue N, Huntsville, TX

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