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Site work for a water / sewer project in Los Altos Hills, California. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen) is pleased to announce the opportunity to submit proposals for geotechnical exploration and engineering design for Alpine Pond dam reconfiguration, located in the headwaters of Lambert Creek, tributary to Pescadero Creek in San Mateo County. This Alpine Pond Reconfiguration Project (Project) includes four key physical design elements: 1) a reconfigured primary dam; 2) spillway relocated to natural channel; 3) exploration of feasibility of a new smaller, secondary pond and operable dam at the head of Alpine Pond, and 4) a road/stream crossing upgrade in the downstream channel (see map Attachment 1 and photos 1 and 2 below). Alpine Pond is a roughly 2.7-acre man-made agriculture pond formed in the 1950s by creating an earthen dam below one or more springs in an ephemeral stream channel. The spillway was constructed outside of the natural channel which is badly eroded. The culvert in the natural channel downstream of the dam is likely undersized for the new relocated spillway and requires assessment and design upgrade. The pond is located within Midpen's Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve (OSP) near the intersection of Skyline Boulevard and Alpine Road. Provide an organizational chart or description of the probable team including subconsultants. Include all key project team members and explain their role and responsibility throughout the project. Identify the project team members who are the daily contacts. Estimated Amount: $135,000.00 3. Prior experience. Provide a summary of the background and specific pertinent expertise of key personnel, as well as a statement of their time commitment to the project. Include examples of the project team's previous experience with comparable projects. Examples should emphasize participation in projects related to agricultural pond evaluation, design, or repair in natural, semi-remote or rural areas. Include descriptive information such as the character of the project, the scope of involvement, location of the project, and the completion of the project. Project teams are encouraged to include illustrations or photographs of work designed and/or developed by team members. Provide a description of the firm's method of, and experience in, controlling project costs and schedules. 4. References. Provide a list of at least three current references that have relevant knowledge concerning the project team's ability to manage similar projects. Names, affiliations, addresses, and current telephone numbers of all references must be provided. 5. Qualifications. Provide a biography describing the project team members' individual qualifications and history, years in business, location(s), legal structure, ownership, organizational structure and key staff who would be committed to this project. 6. Project Fee. Provide a detailed estimated fee proposal that is divided by phase. The fee proposal should include all anticipated reimbursable expenses as a separate line item, the charge rates of the people who would perform the work (please identify tasks to be performed by sub-consultants), and a standard hourly rate schedule. Provide a description of the key assumptions used to calculate the project fee. If appropriate, identify cost saving strategies as well. 7. Agreement Template. Provide a statement of the firm's acceptance of Midpen's agreement, including insurance and indemnification requirements. 5, Midpen's Professional Services Agreement Template. Please note that any contractual terms or conditions submitted with a proposal will not be considered as part of Midpen's agreement. at The tour will include a short walk to the existing undersized culvert crossing in the natural channel below the pond. Please email the project manager for any requested travel accommodations by all-terrain vehicle. Thank you for your interest in working with Midpen on this project. Q & A deadline: Dec 22, 2023 8:00:00 PM EST


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

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January 5, 2025


Multiple Locations, Los Altos Hills, CA

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