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Published January 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Manistique, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) paving in the following Schoolcraft County locations: CR-433 (River Road) from East Kendall Road to CR-438 (Townline Road) CR-453 (Miller Road) from CR-437 (Thunder Lake Road) to Peterson Road Commencement of work is contingent upon contract award by the Board of County Road Commissioners. All materials and work shall be in accordance with the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. Insurance and bonding requirements shall be in accordance with the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any defect in the bids, and make awards in any manner deemed in the best interest of the Schoolcraft County Road Commission. The Contractor's attention is directed to the requirements for cooperation with others as covered in subsection 104.08 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Conduct the project operations to coordinate with the following: The Schoolcraft County Road Commission may be performing various items of work concurrently with the project. The Contractor shall closely coordinate their schedule to allow the Schoolcraft County Road Commission the opportunity to perform all other items of work both included and not included in the project. The Contractor shall provide three days written notice to the Schoolcraft County Road Commission prior to beginning work. The Schoolcraft County Road Commission will provide traffic control for their work. This work shall be done in accordance with the requirements of section 501 of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction and as herein specified. HMA paving will be applied according to the typical sections at a rate of 275 lbs/syd. HMA paving will be paid at a unit price per ton of "HMA, 4EL". Asphalt bond coat is to be applied according to the typical sections at a rate within the following range: 0.05 to 0.15 gal/syd. HMA base crushing and shaping shall be done in accordance with the typical sections. Crushing and shaping will be paid at a unit price per square yard of "HMA Base Crushing and Shaping". Butt joints are to be sawcut at the Point-of-Beginning (POB) and Point-of-Ending (POE). Payment for butt joints at the POB and POE shall be included in the item "HMA Base Crushing and Shaping". HMA base crushing and shaping will be done in accordance with Section 305 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Shaped cross sections shall be in accordance with the curve data included in this log. Crush and shape locations are to be re-graded after 10 days if the HMA leveling course has not been applied. Prior to HMA base crushing and shaping, aggregate base is to be placed to the same limits as HMA base crushing and shaping and to a depth of 3 inches. Additional aggregate base is to be placed as necessary to obtain proposed superelevations as shown in the curve data. Aggregate base will be paid for at a unit price per ton. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring intersection work, including surfacing operations, are conducted such that positive drainage is maintained and that ponding does not occur following the paving of the roadway. This project is an HMA rehabilitation that will begin east of the intersection of E. Kendall Road (Station 237+40) and proceed east on County Road 433 1.68 miles to the intersection of County Road 438 (Station 326+14). The project includes HMA base crushing and shaping, aggregate base placement, HMA paving, aggregate shoulders, permanent pavement markings and temporary traffic control. Description of Work HMA and Aggregate Base HMA paving will be applied according to the typical sections at a rate of 275 lbs/syd. HMA paving will be paid at a unit price per ton of "HMA, 4EL". Asphalt bond coat is to be applied according to the typical sections at a rate within the following range: 0.05 to 0.15 gal/syd. HMA base crushing and shaping shall be done in accordance with the typical sections. Crushing and shaping will be paid at a unit price per square yard of "HMA Base Crushing and Shaping". Butt joints are to be sawcut at the Point-of-Beginning (POB) and Point-of-Ending (POE). Payment for butt joints at the POB and POE shall be included in the item "HMA Base Crushing and Shaping". HMA base crushing and shaping will be done in accordance with Section 305 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Shaped cross sections shall be in accordance with the curve data included in this log. Crush and shape locations are to be re-graded after 10 days if the HMA leveling course has not been applied. Prior to HMA base crushing and shaping, aggregate base is to be placed to the same limits as HMA base crushing and shaping and to a depth of 3 inches. Additional aggregate base is to be placed as necessary to obtain proposed superelevations as shown in the curve data. Aggregate base will be paid for at a unit price per ton Bid Result. County Road 433 Paving: Payne & Dolan $521,884,00 County Road 453 Paving: Bacco $137,602.04

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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