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Published January 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Madison, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The City of Madison Parks Division ("City") is soliciting Bids from providers and vendors for Portable Toilet Rentals . Vendors submitting Bids ("Bidders") are required to read this Request for Bids ("RFB") in its entirety and follow the instructions contained herein. Bids must be delivered as instructed. Deliveries to other City departments and/or locations may result in disqualification. Note: When mailing your response via a third party delivery service, the outside of the packaging MUST be clearly marked with the RFB name and number. This ensures that the bid can be delivered to the correct purchasing agent without having to open the bid. Appendix A: Standard Terms & Conditions Bidders are responsible for reviewing Appendix A, the Standard Terms and Conditions, prior to submission of their bids. Appendix A applies to the submission of bids and in the absence of a signed contract becomes part of the contract terms. Part I of Appendix A provides legal terms relevant only to the submission of bids. Part II of Appendix A provides legal terms that would apply only in the absence of a signed contract. Appendix B: Sample Contract for Purchase of Services Bidders are responsible for reviewing Appendix B, Sample Contract, prior to submission of their bid. A contract in the form of Appendix B will serve as the basis of the contract resulting from this RFP. The resulting contract will control over any different legal terms in this RFP, Appendix A, the proposal, etc. By submitting a proposal, Bidders affirm their willingness to enter into a contract containing the terms found in Appendix B. While the City strives to provide the most appropriate sample contract for this RFP, the City reserves the right to modify the sample form for any resulting contract. The City does not negotiate legal terms prior to award. For questions regarding Affirmative Action Plans please contact: Contract Compliance Department of Civil Rights City-County Bldg., Room 523 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Madison, WI 53703 PH: (608) 266-4910 dcr@cityofmadison.com The City employs spam filtering that occasionally blocks legitimate emails, holding them in 'quarantine" for four calendar days. The contacts listed in this RFB will acknowledge all emails received. Bidders not receiving acknowledgement within twenty-four hours shall follow-up via phone with specific information identifying the originating email address for message recovery Inquiries and Clarifications Bidders are to raise any questions they have about the RFB document without delay. Direct all questions, in writing, to the Purchasing Services administrator listed in Section 1.10. Bidders finding any significant ambiguity, error, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other deficiency in this RFB document shall immediately notify the Buyer and request clarification. In the event that it is necessary to provide additional clarification or revision to the RFB, the City will post addenda - see 1.12 below. Bidders are strongly encouraged to check for addenda regularly. Bids should be as responsive as possible to the provisions stated herein. Exceptions are not permitted. The City of Madison reserves the right to disqualify any and all bids that are non-responsive or that include exceptions. The initial contract term shall be for three (3) years beginning approximately March 1, 2024 and ending February 29, 2027. This contract contains two (2) additional one-year extension periods that the City and Contractor (successful bidder that has signed a contract with the City) may, upon mutual consent, exercise.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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330 E Lakeside St, Madison, WI

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