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Published January 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Newington, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

State Project Number(s) & Description: State Project No. 0170-3704; 2024 Pavement Preservation Program Thin Friction Wearing Course - District 3 Required Prequalification Work Classification(s): 5C - Resurfacing and Preservation: Local Roads and Streets and Non-Freeways Projects Federal-aid Project Number(s) & Funding Source: State Pre-Bid Conference and/or Site Visit Information: N/A District Number(s): 3- New Haven Contract DBE % Goal or SBE % Set-Aside: 8% SBE DBE Submittal Requirements - All bidder's DBE Commitment Approval Request form(s) meeting the established DBE contract goal percentage or Good Faith Effort (GFE) Application Request including all "backup" documentation, as applicable, are due to the Department no later than five (5) calendar days after the bid opening. Please send DBE submittals to dotbid@ct.gov. In the subject line of your email please include the project number and "DBE Submittal". It is highly recommended that all bidders complete the required documentation during their bid preparation process in order to meet the DBE submittal requirement. If not received on time your bid may be rejected as provided by Section XI of the Construction Contract Bidding and Award Manual. SBE Submittal Requirements - The low bidder's SBE Commitment Approval Request form(s) meeting the established SBE set-aside percentage or Request for Waiver application are due to the Department no later than five (5) calendar days after the bid opening. It is highly recommended that all bidders complete the required documentation during their bid preparation process in order to meet the SBE submittal requirement. If not received on time your bid may be rejected as provided by Section XI of the Construction Contract Bidding and Award Manual. Prequalification Requirements: Prospective bidders must be prequalified with the Department of Transportation and have on file a sworn Statement (CON 16) by the time of the bid. In order to help ensure that prospective bidders may become prequalified in time for the bid opening for a given contract, contractors should be certain to return the Prequalification Application (CON 16) with all necessary information, signatures and notarized documents, to the DOT Contracts Unit at least thirty (30) calendar days before requesting a bid proposal form for that contract. Pre-Bid Questions and Answers: Questions pertaining to DOT advertised construction projects must be presented through the CTDOT Pre-Bid Q and A Website. The Department cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered prior to the bid date. PLEASE NOTE - at 9:00 am Monday (i.e. typical Wednesday Bid Opening) the project(s) being bid will be closed for questions, at which time questions can no longer be submitted through the Q and A Website. Answers may be provided by the Department up to 12:00 noon, the day before the bid. At this time, the Q and A for those projects will be considered final, unless otherwise stated and/or the bid is postponed to a future date and time to allow for further questions and answers to be posted. If a question needs to be asked the day before the bid date, please contact the Contracts Unit staff and email your question to dotcontracts@ct.gov immediately. Contractors must identify their company name, contact person, contact email address and phone number when asking a question. The email address and phone number will not be made public. The questions and answers (if any) located on the Q and A Website are hereby made part of the bid/contract solicitation documents (located on the State Contracting Portal) and resulting contract for the subject project(s). It is the bidder's responsibility to monitor, review, and become familiar with the questions and answers, as with all bid requirements and contract documents, prior to bidding. By signing the bid proposal and resulting contract, the bidder acknowledges receipt of, and agrees to the incorporation of the final list of Q and A, into the contract document. Contractors will not be permitted to file a future claim based on lack of receipt, or knowledge of the questions and answers associated with a project. All bidding requirements and project information, including but not limited to contract plans, specifications, addenda, Q and A, Notice to Contractors, etc., are made public on the State Contracting Portal and/or the CTDOT website. Any bidder that discovers an error in the bid proposal or contract documents, including but not limited to the plans, must report that error in a letter to the Manager within two (2) business days of discovering the error. A failure to do so may result in the Commissioner's finding the contractor to be nonresponsible as the low bidder for one or more Department contracts, and may be subject to other adverse action by the Department OPM Form 1 - Campaign Contribution Certification: All bidders must upload the Campaign Contribution Certification to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) online system (CTsource). Please access the link below to register with CTsource and download the vendor guide to uploading this form. Prevailing Wage Rates: The minimum rates to be paid labor of the various classifications shall be in accordance with current schedule of wages established by the State Labor Commissioner as provided in the Connecticut General Statutes, as revised. The Contract Wage Certification Form is to be submitted to the Labor Commissioner before the award of the contract. Other Information: All bidders are required to inform themselves fully of the conditions relating to the construction and labor under which the work will be or is now being performed and the contractor shall employ, as far as possible, such methods and means in the carrying out of this work as will not cause interruption or interference with any other contractor. The Department, prior to the awarding of any contract, may require further financial and other information from any applicant who becomes the low bidder for that contract. The Commissioner of Transportation reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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