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Published February 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of February 8, 2024, the project was awarded to Clarity Pools Llc but the awarded amount is not available.** Disassembly - (as needed) shade structures, entry tubs (2) slides, post and rope barrier, perimeter metal fencing and other items that might impede access to piping and / or job site. - Concrete Removal - removal of existing concrete decking in areas as needed to replace filtered water return piping. - Excavation - removal of soils and gravel to reach filtered water return piping. - Piping Removal - Removal of current C900 piping and MJ fittings - filtered water return piping. 2"/1.5" schedule 80 piping from pool wall to MJ-tee to be removed as necessary. Piping inside pool wall to left in place. - Schedule 80 PVC (glue joint) pipe and fittings - construct new filtered water return piping. o Piping - Installation to follow piping size (6", 4", 3", etc.) as removed and/or shown on original park drawings. o Pressure testing - Once piping "loop" (piping from 8" trunk to loop around pool) is complete a static pressure test using water and air will be performed. Test parameters; 24 hours @ 30 PSI o Support Blocking - Installation of support blocking (concrete under main trunk loop) to prevent possible movement/settlement of piping. Blocking to be placed at strategic locations along main trunk loop. o Inspections - replacement piping to be inspected by Arkansas Department of Health in accordance with State Regulations to verify proper piping size and installation. o Deck Drains - installation, as needed, of deck drains and associated piping that will be removed during project. o Backfill - installation of existing (excavated) #57 gravel to bottom of piping, installation of 1/4 "x1/8" small fines around piping and to 6" over piping, installation of existing #57 rock to finish grade for concrete. Each fill/lift to be compacted (plate compactor). - Anchors - installation of new hard rail anchors, existing shade anchors, etc. Anchors will have to be removed during removal of decking. - Bonding - installation of #8 solid bonding wiring, as needed, to pool rebar grid, rail anchors, shade anchors, etc. as required my NEC60 electrical code. City to inspect as required. - Decking - installation of 3.5" to 4" of concrete decking (as removed). o Dowel pins - Installation of smooth dowel pins into pool wall to prevent possible deck settling. Installation of ribbed dowel pins into existing (remaining) deck to prevent horizontal movement and possible deck settling. o Concrete - 3500 PSI mix o Finish - Light broom. Sample finish to be approved by Owner. o Saw Cuts - re-establish along existing cuts, the concrete "soft" cuts, as needed, in decking. - Fencing and Barriers - installation of any metal fencing and /or post and rope barriers that would have been removed for project - Caulking - installation of 3/8" to 1/2 " wide polyurethan caulking between decking and pool wall. Construction joint between existing deck and new deck will not be caulked. Each recipient of this RFP is requested to officially advise Parrot Island of its intent to submit a proposal along with its agreement to the terms, requirements and instructions as outlined in this document. Your advisement must be submitted via email to drew.peterson@parrotislandwaterpark.com no later than 5:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday, December 17, 2023. Upon receipt of your Expression of Interest we will, upon request, schedule a question and answer call to provide further details and guidance for the preparing your proposal. The owner of the Parrot Island Waterpark project is the City of Fort Smith and Sebastian Count. Any final binding agreement regarding this RFP shall be between the City of Fort Smith and Sebastian County, or one of its affiliates, and the awardee of this RFP. Parrot Island reserves the right and has full discretion to cancel the RFP selection process of any and all vendor(s) at any time


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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7300 S Zero St, Fort Smith, AR

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