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Published March 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Huntersville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Estimated cost: 177k All proposers will receive notification of selected contractor. The Town has received the NCDOT Planting Permit for this work. The specifications and material of the landscaping are shown on Plant Schedule sheet L-3.1 of the sealed construction plans. All plants and shrubs shall be placed per the sealed construction plans to ensure sight triangles are clear. It will be the contractor's responsibility to remove or replant any material(s) in the sight triangles. Contractor responsible for lane closures and potable water. Proposals shall include a cost breakdown for the project, including costs for any "as-equal" substitutions for the materials. The proposal shall also include any other pertinent associated information. The selected proposal shall be required to complete the project within three (3) months of the notice to proceed and be required to sign the Town's standard service contract. The Town of Huntersville is committed to providing opportunities for small and disadvantaged businesses. The Town encourages bids from Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB). It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that their proposals are actually received by the Town by the deadline. The Town of Huntersville Board of Commissioners ("Town Board") reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason, at any time, and to waive minor informalities. The Town has received the NCDOT Planting Permit for this work. The work shall occur during the spring of 2024 based on the recommendation of the landscaping company. The contractor shall provide all materials listed on the Plant Schedule sheet L-3.1 of the sealed construction plans. All planting material shall be placed according to the planting plans found on sheet L-3.2 and L-3.3 as well as the Town's standard drawings found on sheet L-3.1. It will be the contractor's responsibility to remove or replant any material(s) in the sight triangles. The contractor will be responsible for any lane closures and potable water. Contractor shall provide a one-year warranty from final acceptance on all plants unless approved otherwise by the owner. Contractor shall provide and install all materials necessary for a complete synthetic turf system, in accordance with the synthetic turf detail found on sheet L-2.2 and any manufacturers specifications. Contractor shall place 5-8" Pennsylvania river rock with 'Gator Rock bond' binder as shown on sheet L-2.1. Contractor shall install 6" of compacted aggregate base and 8" of river rock as shown on the river rock detail on sheet L-2.2. Contractor shall install all footings, rebar, CMU, stonework, and any materials necessary for a complete stone column and wall in accordance with the details found on sheet L-2.2 and the layout found on sheet L-2.1.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work




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January 18, 2024

March 18, 2024


Main St, Huntersville, NC

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