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Published December 29, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Horseshoe Bay, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Horseshoe Bay is seeking a contractor to perform water and wastewater main line taps, along with installing service lines and fittings. See attachment for complete specifications of what types of fittings and pipe will be used on these taps and service lines. All plumbing fittings, pipe, meter/valve boxes will be provided by the City. PROJECT SCOPE The successful Proposer will be responsible for supplying their own tools and equipment. The City of Horseshoe Bay will not lend out any tool or piece of equipment. All plumbing fittings needed to complete each tap, will be provided by the City. All other material needed (sand, base, asphalt repairs, etc.) to properly complete each tap will be provided by the successful Proposer. Successful Proposer will provide the following services to the City: - Calling 811 for locates - Locating the water or wastewater mainline - Carefully excavating down to the mainline to create a safe working area - Trenching for the service line as needed. - Providing shoring as needed on any excavation deeper than 4' - Performing and installing a tap on the mainline using a tapping saddle and ball corp. (Must be able to perform 2" and 1 1/2 " taps.) - Running a service line from the tap to a designated spot on the customer's property. The service line that will be supplied is 2" HDPE DR11. (Proposer must be able to properly perform butt welds on this type of pipe and have required tools.) - Properly connect plumbing fittings from the tap to the designated spot on the customer's property. (While the City will supply all plumbing fittings needed, the successful proposer will supply any material needed to properly connect different types of fittings.) - Notifying City Field Department so that the tap and service line can be inspected prior to backfill Bedding the pipe and backfilling the excavation properly - Properly tamping the backfill material - Notifying City Field Department so that the backfill can be inspected - If a road cut is necessary the successful proposer will be responsible for adding base material until repairs to any asphalt, concrete driveways or curbs, etc. can be made


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Horseshoe Bay, TX

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