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Published December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bristol, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Organic Waste Management - Annual Requirements for Grinding and Turning or Organic Waste Materials, inclusive of grinding brush, logs, leaves, yard waste, etc. and including leaf windrow turning, for the period through December 2024, per the requirements set forth via the document link below. Interested firms are required to submit one original copy via digital media of the proposal to Roger Rousseau, Purchasing Agent, no later than the date and time noted herein. Submissions may be made via email, shared file service, or USB drive delivered to the address noted below; the City does not assume responsibility for failure of submissions to be received by the City by the date and time noted above. The successful bidder shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. Any bid received after the date and time noted above will not be considered; the City does not assume responsibility for failure of submissions to be received by the City by the date and time noted above. Bids may be withdrawn 60 days after bid opening, if no award has been made. The Intent of these specifications is to contract for assistance in the management of organic waste for the period through December 31, 2024 with option to renew for an additional one year term. SCOPE OF WORK A. The City collects leaves and brush from its residents. The City may use a portion of ground brush or leaves for its own use, and make a portion available to its residents. The City is seeking to contract with a firm that will provide the equipment to manage the process, with compensation made by direct payment. B. Organic waste materials are picked up at residential addresses by Public Works staff with its own equipment. Materials will be brought directly to the contractor's facility by City staff at the time of pickup; materials shall be weighed via the contractor's scales and subsequently unloaded at the site, with recorded weight provided to City staff at the time of unloading. The contractor shall be responsible for grinding all brush and logs at its site, with its equipment described below and with its own staff operations. The contractor will have full ownership of the processed materials for its own use. The contractor shall be responsible for grinding all leaves and yard waste at its site, with its equipment described below and with its own staff operations. The contractor will have full ownership of the processed materials for its own use, except that the City reserves the right to pick up processed materials in amounts up to 2,000 cubic yards of composted material and 100 cubic yards of wood chips processed under this contract. In the event that such materials are picked up, such pickup will be by City staff, and delivery is not required; there will be no charge to the City for removal of amounts up to these reserve amounts. For such materials processed directly at the contractor's site, compensation will be paid to the contractor for each ton delivered to and processed at the contractor's site. g regularly scheduled hours of operation for the Transfer Station facility, unless alternate hours of operation agreeable to both parties can be made. For materials processed at the City Transfer Station Facility, compensation will be paid to the contractor for actual hours of grinding operation at the Transfer Station facility, exclusive of hours for delivery, setup and disassembly of equipment, and associated time. Bidders are advised that in its evaluation of bids received, bid line items 1a and 2a (i.e. items for which transportation of materials is provided by the City), the cost of use for City staff and vehicles will be applied, with consideration taken for distance from the bidder's facility to its closest border to Bristol, in the event that such a facility is outside of the borders of Bristol. The contractor will be paid a flat fee for round trip mobilization/demobilization for each time that that the City requests such a mobilization/demobilization, as compensation for such work. D. The City of Bristol makes no provision for adjusting average wood chip weight based on moisture content of said material. The City of Bristol also makes no representation as to the content of said material, other than wood chips represent the end product of ground brush/logs generated within Bristol city limits (according to local ordinances). It is the bidder's responsibility to ensure that the material meets specifications and/or any legal or environmental requirements for its end use. No Bid Bond is required. Should the low bidder have previously failed to complete its performance satisfactorily on a contract with the City, before award, such bidder shall have five (5) days to post bond with the City in an amount deemed by the City to adequately cover the difference between the low bid and the next lowest responsible bidder. Such cash bond shall be forfeited in its entirety in the event of any problem with contract performance. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or the bids for any one or more commodities or contractual services included in any or all bids, to waive any informality in bids and unless otherwise specified to buy any part or the whole from one or more bidders when it is to the City's best interest to do so. Determination of the best interests of the City shall include consideration of active or pending civil litigation between the City and any firm (or its subcontractor or supplier) submitting a bid to the City. Any bidder found by the Purchasing Agent to be delinquent in the payment of taxes and/or water and sewer charges to the City, for either personal or real property, shall be disqualified from consideration. The individual signing this submittal hereby declares that no person or persons other than members of his/her own organization are interested in this Project or in the contract proposed to be taken; that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making a proposal for the same work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; that no person acting or employed by the City of Bristol is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or works to which it relates or will receive any part of the profit or any commission there from in any manner which is unethical or contrary to the best interests of the City of Bristol.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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