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Published December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Topeka, Kansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Quote (RFQ) is to obtain competitive responses from vendors to provide Concrete Boat Ramp and Deck for Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, per requested specifications. The vendor shall provide and deliver all materials required by the attached specifications. Prices shall include all product, installation, labor, shipping and handling. o This shall be a one-time purchase. o Prices shall include ALL product, labor, installation, shipping and handling charges. o All inquiries, written or verbal, shall be directed only to the "Contact" reflected on the event details document. o Concrete contractor must be able to complete the work outlined below by March 1, 2024. o Deadline may be extended by mutual agreement between Park Manager and Contractor if weather conditions exist such that concrete may not be placed and finished appropriately. o The purchaser reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bidders shall provide the bid event number and event name in the subject line of the email. Specifications All grading and dirt work for this project will be completed by separate contractor and will be completed prior to concrete contractor arriving. Concrete contractor must be able to complete the work outlined below by March 1, 2024. Deadline may be extended by mutual agreement between Park Manager and Contractor if weather conditions exist such that concrete may not be placed and finished appropriately. Project will consist of approximately 70 cubic yards of concrete to be placed, of which approximately 25 cubic yards will be in the reinforced footings, and the remainder to be on the boat ramp concrete deck. Prospective bidders will bid on this project by giving a price per linear foot of reinforced footings and a price per square foot of 6" ramp deck. Those two prices added together will equal the total bid price. 1) Contractor will place and finish concrete for boat ramp located at the North Shore Private Cabin area located at Cedar Bluff Reservoir in Trego County, KS. 2) Contractor will tue into existing concrete ramp at this location with #4 rebar on 24" centers. 3) Ramp dimensions are 14 feet in width. Ramp is 170 feet in length. Ramp slope will by approximately 7%. 4) Concrete ramp surface will be 6" deep. Footings will be on the two longer sides of the ramp at the outermost edges. Footings will be 8" wide and 24" deep. 5) Concrete contractor is responsible for excavation of the footings. 6) Reinforced concrete footings shall have (2) #4 rebar horizontal continuous and #4 rebar field bent "L" bars on 24" centers. (See Appendix A) 7) Reinforced concrete ramp deck shall be reinforced with #4 rebar mat on 24" centers both ways. All rebar must be supported mid-slab by means of rebar chairs. (See Appendix A)



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Multiple Locations, Topeka, KS

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