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Published December 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a communication facility in Fort Defiance, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

Window Rock School District No. 8 seeking a Contractor to provide Internet Conduit and ISP Services. The Window Rock Unified School District is requesting proposals for an Internet Conduit Access and ISP Services to support existing and anticipated instructional and administrative needs of the District. The District is seeking a high reliability solution, and will accept land based copper/Optical Ethernet, Wireless, or other equivalent technologies. INTERNET ACCESS AND ISP SERVICES SPECIFICATIONS: The District is seeking a high speed Internet Connection to support the existing and anticipated instructional and administrative needs of the District. The current Internet Access Conduit is 1 Gbps provided by Microwave connected to the District Hub at TSE'HOOTSOOI Middle School, Kit Carson Dr., Ft. Defiance, AZ 86504. The proposal must address each of these requirements: 1. The proposal must include as a minimum 1 Gbps bandwidth and provide optional pricing for incremental 10 Gbps bandwidth points up to and including a maximum of 1Gbps. 2. Contract must allow for upgrades to quoted bandwidths. 3. Full ISP services are required, including DNS services and public space IP addresses in sufficient quantities. 4. If your solution includes DDoS protection or mitigation, please include description and identify costs (if applicable). 5. The proposal must identify the cost for all non-recurring expenses, including but not limited to construction of conduit, trenching, campus assessment, engineering, project management, documentation, contingency, installation, configuration, travel, taxes, etc. The Offeror must obtain and pay for all permits and inspections required by all legal authorities and agencies having jurisdiction for the work. 6. Any components provided such as "On-Premise Priority 1" equipment must be new and purchased from the manufacturer, not refurbished or purchased from "secondary markets" or "independent re-furbishers." 7. The proposal must include a proposed cut-over date. 8. The proposed Internet Conduit must support a Service Level of 99.9% uptime. 9. The proposed network must include a 24 x 7 x 365 monitoring and trouble notification service. 10. A monthly report on trouble tickets must be provided. 11. A monthly report on usage must be provided. 12. The proposed service must provide an automated notification of outages via email and pager or text message. 13. The proposal must state what the Offeror's policy and procedure is for escalation of unresolved trouble tickets. This statement must include the Offeror's policy on providing outage credits.




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Multiple Locations, Fort Defiance, AZ

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