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Published January 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Mountain City, Tennessee. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

This is a procurement at the Northeast Correctional Complex for the repair of the back porch covered area, about a 15% section of the Maintenance Building Roof. Location: Northeast Correctional Complex 5249 Highway 67 West Mountain City, TN 37683 Proposal to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services as required in completing the following scope of work on the existing Carlisle 90 mil EPDM roof: Removal and disposal of the affected area calculated to be approximately 1,920 sf of existing membrane and insulation. Inspection and review of the exposed portion of metal deck to report existing conditions related to any deficiencies, if any, that will require upgrading for the FM (Factory Mutual) I-90 Roofing Standard Install approximately 2.0" Polyisocyanurate insulation with 1/8":1'0" tapered polyisocyanurate insulation and gypsum coverboard. Each layer to be set-in low-rise foam adhesive. Insulation thicknesses to match surrounding thicknesses. Secure all insulation to the metal deck with a structural adhesive product using pattern and techniques specified by the manufacturer to achieve FM I-90 standard wind uplift capacities. Install an adhered white 90 mil EPDM roof membrane to coverboard so total roofing system can achieve FM I 90 ratings. Roofing system shall meet FM I-90 Standards. Properly flash penetrations, drains, tie-ins, and other details per manufacturer's standard details and specifications. Provide new prefinished edge metal anchored to new perimeter wood blocking with fasteners size and spaced based on FM I-90 standards. Install aluminum termination bars at concrete walls using fasteners sized and spaced based on FM I-90 standards. Provide manufacturers 20-year roof warranty. Respondent must have a full BC, BC-B, or BC-21 Contractor's License. The definition of contractor is found in the statute at T.C.A. & 62-6-102 and covers a very broad area, which includes construction, installation, movement, repair, etc.


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial


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5249 Hwy 67 W, Mountain City, TN

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