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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newark, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE PLANTWIDE BUILDING AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A TWO (2) YEAR PERIOD- A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting for general discussion of the scope of work associated with the bid. Work to be performed under Contract B394 includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing of all safety, supervision, labor, materials, supplies, equipment and all other facilities required to: Install, and maintain Building Automatic Temperature Control (ATC) systems located throughout PVSC. The work shall also include any necessary design, additions or alterations required to service, support, or upgrade existing ATC systems at PVSC. The work required under this contract is indeterminate. Individual Task Orders will be issued to the contractor based on an agreed upon detailed scope of work. All contractors, subcontractors, contractor employees and/or representatives entering the plant must have and must present to PVSC Security, government issued identification such as a valid Picture Driver's License or Passport. This applies to bid openings, pre-bid conferences and all on-premises contract work. All bids must be made upon the blank form of proposal annexed hereto. All blank spaces must be filled in, in ink, in both words and figures, with the amounts for which the proposal is made. The proposal must be signed by the bidder who shall include his business address. Proposals shall be enclosed in opaque sealed envelopes, addressed to the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, 600 Wilson Avenue, Newark, New Jersey07105, with the name and address of the bidder plainly marked upon the outside thereof. (If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the proposal, marked as directed above must be enclosed in another envelope addressed as specified in the Proposal, preferably by registered mail.) If forwarded by express carrier or other delivery service, please be advised that access to the PVSC is restricted to the following address: 699 Avenue P - Newark NJ - 07105 (GPS location of Gate #3) this is for directional purposes is only. The outside envelope containing bids must clearly identify the bid number, contract name, and bid opening date. Failure to follow this procedure is grounds for rejection. It is the purpose of Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission not to award the contract to any bidder who does not furnish evidence satisfactory to them that he is responsible and that he has sufficient financial resources, ability, experience and equipment to enable him to prosecute the work successfully, and to fulfill all requirements of the contract. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, or by a bid bond in an amount not less than $1,000 or 10% of the total bid, not to exceed $20,000.00 enclosed in a sealed envelope, with the bid. Certified checks shall be drawn upon a National Bank or a Trust Company doing business in the State of New Jersey, and shall be payable to the order of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission. Bid bonds shall be prepared on the form of Bid Bond attached hereto in Section 00301, and shall be duly executed by the bidder as principal and having as surety thereon, sureties or a surety company shall be licensed to do business in the State Of New Jersey, and listed in the current Federal Register, Department of the Treasury Circular 570, "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds", and shall be satisfactory to the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission. Bid securities will be returned to all except the three (3) apparent lowest responsible bidders within ten (10) days after the formal opening of bids, (Sundays and Holidays excepted) and the remaining bid securities will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders within three (3) days (Sundays and Holidays excepted) after the awarding and signing of the contract and the approval of the Contractor's performance bond, or if no Contract has been so executed, within 60 days after the date of the opening of bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, as long as he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid. All bidders on this Contract are required to complete a "Statement of Ownership" found in Section 00303. Bid Security will be held in lieu of a Performance Bond for the duration of the contract, at which time it will be returned to the Contractor. All questions must be submitted to Ryan McCann electronically at The final day to submit questions shall be no later than 10:00 am EST seven (7) days prior to bid date, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excepted. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975 C 127. (N.J.A.C. 17:27) Forms of Contract Specifications together with blank forms of proposals may be obtained from the Purchasing Department located in the Administration Building at 600 Wilson Ave. Newark, NJ.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Newark, NJ

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