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Published December 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Abernethy, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The RM of Abernethy No. 186 is accepting quotes for the loading, hauling, and spreading of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of crushed gravel on the roads within the municipality during the 2024 season. Hauling will occur from pits located at NW 22-22-09-2, SW 15-21-11-2, NW 28-21-12-2, NE 19-19-10-2, NW 34-20-12-2, NE 26-21- 10-2 or other locations as outlined by Council. Gravelling must be done within the councillors' requested timeframes and contractor must be available at the Councillor's request. The successful bidder must provide monthly invoices to council prior to the meetings and must indicate on the invoices which pit the gravel was hauled from for each road. 2.1 The Municipality reserves the right to refuse to accept any or all quotes. 2.2 The RM is under no obligation to accept the lowest priced quotation. 2.3 The Municipality may reject any quote which is incomplete, obscure, or irregular. 2.4 The Municipality reserves the right to cancel the acceptance of any quote at any time before the execution of the contract by all parties without any liability against the Municipality. 2.5 Quotes received after the date and time specified will not be considered. 2.6 Oral and telephone quotes will not be considered 2.7 Oral and telephone modifications to quotes will not be considered. 2.8 Successful bidder must be in good standing with Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board. 2.9 The successful bidder shall supply all supervision, labour, materials, equipment, tools, and all other things necessary for the complete supply of works indicated or intended by the specification which form part of this document. 2.10 Municipality reserves the right to cancel or suspend agreement in the event of cancellation of insurance coverage. 2.11 Road maintenance agreements and gravel extraction fees are the responsibility of the municipality. 2.12 The quoted price shall not include GST or PST. 2.13 Changes in submission will only be considered if submitted in writing, and providing such change is received by the RM prior to the established closing date and time. Changes to a submission will not be accepted after the established closing date and time. 2.14 Quote must include Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Letter of Good Standing and proof of current liability insurance. 2.15 By submitting a quotation, the Bidder agrees to public disclosure of its contents subject to the provision of The Municipalities Act, relating to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. Anything submitted in the quotation that the bidder considers to be 'personal information' or'confidential information' of a proprietary nature should be marked confidential. 2.16 The selected bidder shall indemnify the RM, its officers and employees against any damage caused to the RM as a result of any negligence or unlawful acts of the successful bidder or its employees. Similarly, the successful bidder shall agree to indemnify the RM, its officers and employees against any claims or costs initiated by third parties as a result of the negligence or wrongful acts of the successful bidder or its employees.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Abernethy, SK

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