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Published December 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Roanoke, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Term Contract for Professional Engineering Services for Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Engineering and Related Services. Interested firms are required to download the full Request for Proposal from the Authority's website under 'I AM A...BIDDER/CONTRACTOR/CONSULTANT, Requests for Proposals'. Any addenda, if needed, will be posted at this location on or before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Minority Owned Businesses (MBEs) and Women Owned Businesses (WBEs) are encouraged to respond. The Western Virginia Water Authority (Authority) seeks proposals from qualified engineering consulting firms to provide professional engineering and related services on a term contract basis. These services will assist in implementing the Authority's continued annual investments in the region's utility infrastructure, and expected additional investments through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Authority intends to award multiple term contracts to multiple engineering consulting firms under this procurement based on the qualifications and expertise of each Offeror. Services to be provided under these contracts will support the Authority's execution of a variety of projects, including but not limited to, those projects identified in the Authority's annual CIP, master plan, jurisdictional cooperative projects, or other projects as identified by the Authority. The Authority provides no guarantee of the amount of work to be assigned to selected firms under this term contract. The Authority may issue other solicitations for professional engineering services for specific projects during the term of the contract. Successful Offeror(s) that are awarded a contract under this solicitation are also encouraged to submit proposals on future solicitations. The scope of services consists of engineering consultation services facilitating the delivery of the Authority's Capital Improvement Program and support of ongoing operations. This includes water treatment, transmission, distribution, pumping, storage and associated infrastructure, as well as wastewater treatment, collection, conveyance, pumping, inflow and infiltration, and associated infrastructure. Projects may be new infrastructure, replacement of existing infrastructure, or the rehabilitation/improvement of existing infrastructure. The Authority envisions its consultants provide project approaches using innovative engineering solutions to minimize impacts to the community, the environment, and to facilitate cost-effective execution. The successful engineering consulting firm(s) will provide complete professional engineering services, including, but not limited to, all personnel, materials and equipment, for the selected project task(s). Professional engineering services may include conceptual design/studies/analyses, easement acquisition assistance, detailed design (i.e., preparation of bid-ready construction plans and project manual along with bidding assistance), permitting, and construction phase services, including but not limited to, the following: a. Project Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Conceptual Design/Studies/Analyses b. Detailed Design c. Construction Phase Services d. Asset Management and Planning e. CMOM Development and Implementation f. Sewer System Evaluation Studies g. Hydraulic Modeling h. Infrastructure Condition Assessments i. Flow Monitoring and Data Analysis j. Master Planning, Capital Improvement Plan Development k. On-call services for representing the Authority with jurisdictional projects (Locality, VDOT, etc.) l. Development Plan Review Services m. Erosion and Sediment Control Program Support n. Serving as Project Advisor for alternative project delivery methods o. Advising and consulting on complex infrastructure issues Award Contract Authority 03/07/2024 The Authority may enter into a term contract or multiple term contracts with the successful engineering consulting firms to perform the professional engineering design services described herein. Term contracts awarded during this procurement shall commence on the negotiated start date and shall continue for a maximum period of one (1) year with the potential for extending services for up to three (3) additional one-year terms. Individual Task Orders fees are not to exceed $500,000 and the sum of all Task Orders assigned under any term contract in one (1) contract year are not to exceed $2,500,000. Any unused amount(s) from a contract term will not be carried forward to any subsequent term. Under special circumstances and subject to Executive Director approval, term limitations may be increased up to the amounts cited in 2.2-4303.1. "Architectural and professional engineering term contracting; limitations". An Agreement, including a specified scope of services, deliverable schedule and reasonable fee structure, shall be negotiated for each Task Order awarded under the term contracts. Successful engineering firms will not be required to compete based solely on fees for each task order. Rates and fees negotiated as part of the individual task orders shall be fixed for a minimum of one (1) year. All terms and conditions of the Agreement(s) shall survive until the work is complete. The Authority reserves the right to request proposals and contract with other engineering consulting firms for specific projects at any time. Questions pertaining to this proposal shall be submitted prior to 5:00 PM local time, Thursday, January 4, 2024 and shall be directed to: Michelle Caruthers, P.E. Assistant Director of Engineering Services (Interim) e-mail: michelle.caruthers@westernvawater.org. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 8, 2024


Multiple Locations, Roanoke, VA

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