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Published May 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, new construction and addition to a bridge / tunnel in Winona, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the addition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

**As of May 9,2024 project was awarded to Icon Constructors LLC, awarded amount is $1,671,455.85.** CSAH 30 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT REMOVAL OF EXISTING BRIDGE & REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW BRIDGE Including Bituminous Surfacing, Miscellaneous Removals, Prestressed Concrete Beams, Structural & Slab Concrete, Structural Steel, Excavation, Aggregate Base & Surfacing, Piling, Concrete Curb & Gutter, Traffic Barrier, Random Riprap (Matrix), Traffic Control, Erosion Control and Turf Establishment. PROJECT LOCATION On CSAH 30 approximately 0.1 Miles East of the intersection with Trunk Highway 74, over Whitewater River, 4.2 Miles North of Elba, MN ESTIMATED QUANTITIES OF WORK MOBILIZATION - 1 LS; CLEARING & GRUBBING - 1 LS; SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) - 48 LF; REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - 1,935 SY; COMMON EXCAVATION - 604 CY; COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) - 602 CY; AGGREGATE SURFACING & BASE CLASS 2, 5 & 5 MODIFIED (CV) - 136 CY; BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT - 102 GALLONS; TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) - 473 TON; TYPE S (TL-4) BARRIER CONCRETE (3S52) - 483 LF; STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (3B52) - 257 CY; REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPOXY COATED) - 83,490 POUND; BRIDGE SLAB CONCRETE (3YHPC-M) 8,450 SF; STRUCUTURE EXCAVATION - 1 LS; SLOPE PREPARATION - 1 LS; FOUNDATION PREP PILE BENT PIERS - 1 LS; FLOOR DRAIN TYPE B706 MODIFIED - 4 EACH; ELASTOMERIC BEARING PAD TYPE 1 - 8 EACH; BEARING ASSEMBLY - 16 EACH; STRUCTURAL STEEL (3306) - 530 POUND; PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BEAMS 35MH - 960LF; REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE - 1 LS; C-I-P CONCRETE TEST PILE 85 FT. LONG 12" - 1 EACH; C-I-P CONCRETE TEST PILE 100 FT. LONG 12" - 1 EACH; C-I-P CONCRETE TEST PILE 95 FT. LONG 16" - 1 EACH; PILE POINTS 12" & 16" - 24 EACH; C-I-P CONCRETE PILING 12" & 16" - 1,680 LF; DRAINAGE SYSTEM TYPE (B910) - 1 LS; GRANULAR FILTER - 565 CY; RANDOM RIPRAP (MATRIX) - 1,610 CY; CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 - 32 LF; TRAFFIC CONTROL - 1 LS; SILT FENCE TYPE MS - 1,791 LF; FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN TYPE MOVING WATER - 350 LF; TURF ESTABLISHMENT - 1 LS; ROLLED EROSION PREVENTION CATEGORY 20 & 74 - 1,514 SY; RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 1 - 0.3 ACRE; and Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Items required for a Complete Project. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Winona County Highway Department for five percent (5%) of the bid or a corporate bond in favor of the Winona County Auditor in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. Direct questions about this Project, including pre-bid questions, to Troy Drath, Assistant County Engineer at 507-457-8840.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Addition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Winona, MN

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