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Published December 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Garner, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Town of Garner is soliciting a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from professional architectural firms to perform architectural, design and other professional services for the interior remodel and beautification of the facilities for Garner Senior Center. The scope of services will generally include design of all necessary improvements for the proposed project, as described herein, needed to prepare construction plans, contract documents and technical specifications for procurement of the contractor, equipment, and materials necessary to construct the facility. A detailed breakdown of the scope of services is asfollows: 1. Architectural/Engineering plans for the design of a ceiling access to remove and replace the AC air handler located in the ceiling system. 2. Architectural/Engineering plans for the complete re-design of existing men's and women's restrooms. Both facilities need to be brought into ADA compliance. 3. Preliminary price estimate for facility upgrades including: o Replacing accordion divider between dining hall and conference room. o Replacing/refurbishing dining hall and conference room flooring. o Removing of old sink and dishwasher. o Disabling kitchen fire suppressant systems (kitchen will be used for warming only). o Replacing the kitchen service window security curtain. o Replacing/refurbishing gymnasium flooring. o Adding a security desk to the Fitness Annex of the project site. 4. Preparation of final contract documents and technical specifications, including itemized bid proposal, and final engineer's estimate. Documents shall be in conformance with the Town of Garner's standard format. Firm shall attend one (1) pre-bid meeting and assist Town staff with responses to contractor's questions related to the project and/or preparation of addenda prior to receiving bids. Assist Town staff by providing the issuance of addenda, attendance at bid opening, and preparation of bid tabulation. 5. Attend pre-construction meeting to assist Town staff with any technical questions related to construction drawings and/or contract. 6. Review/approve shop drawing submittals from Contractor. 7. Construction administration services. If your firm is interested in this work, please submit a proposal expressing your interest and qualifications organized in the following manner. All items are to be thoroughly answered for the proposal to be considered complete. The Town expects to select one (1) consultant. The Town reserves the right to modify any part of this RFQ by issuing one (1) or more addenda during the RFQ response period. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all responses to the RFQ, to advertise for new RFQ responses or to accept any RFQ response, in whole or part, deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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January 17, 2025


205 E Garner Rd, Garner, NC

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